Deck the halls with family traditions. Fa la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Christmas Eve Service
Every Christmas Eve, my family goes to church together to sing and have a candle light service. Nothing’s better.
Staying at my grandparentsÂ
I’m 21 years old and for my whole life, we’ve stayed at my grandparents’ house. We live right beside them, but that doesn’t matter. We still do it.
Family HoppingÂ
We wake up, open gifts, then travel all over to visit family... just to end up at the same house that night.
Sibling ChristmasÂ
I have two older brothers who are married, with their own lives. So, every Christmas we meet up at my parents’ house to exchange gifts and just laugh.
The Day After
As if Christmas Day spent with family wasn’t enough, the next day we have even more family come to spend time with us.