15. Find a balance. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

18 Lessons I Learned My Freshman Year Of College

From me to you.

18 Lessons I Learned My Freshman Year Of College

I cannot believe I only have two weeks left of freshman year. This year went by so fast, and I am honestly a little sad to see it go. I have grown so much as an individual in the one year I have been in college. I remember prior to me coming to college looking all over the internet for advice on how to "survive college". I am no expert when it comes to giving advice about college, but I can say that I have learned so much both inside and outside of the classroom this year. Here is a short list of what all I have learned my first year of college:

1. Call your family.

Your family is your number one support system. They miss you more than you think. Call and talk to them.

2. Get involved.

There are so many organizations and clubs on campus, get out and see what they have to offer for you.

3. Go to the gym. 

The gym is free at the Ramsey Student Center, so you should take advantage of it.

4. Go to class.

This should be a given. You are at college to get an education. I know it is hard some mornings to get up, but you will feel so much better by going to class.

5. Shower caddy and shower shoes are your best friends.

Especially if you are living in the dorm with the community bathrooms.

6. Do not bring your entire closet.

It is not necessary to pack your entire closet from our house. The closets in your dorm are the size of a shoe box.

7. Keep up with your laundry.

Sunday is laundry day for everybody. Make sure to wash your clothes any other day of the week.

8. Learn time management.

Time management is a big lesson I had to learn my first year. You will love yourself so much once you learn it.

9. Learn responsibility.

You no longer have your parents here making sure you are doing what you are supposed to do. Buy an agenda, calendar, or whatever it is you need to keep you organized.

10. Get outside of your comfort zone. 

Trust me, this is the greatest thing you could do for yourself. Go out of your way to meet new people or join a new club.

11. Save your money.

Make a budget. You do not want to get to the point of your bank account looking like your GPA.

12 Don't be afraid to explore.

You are at a new place, in a new town, and for some people, a new state. Get out and discover new surroundings!

13. It is OK to eat by yourself.

No one is here to judge. We all need a little "me time".

14. Don't sweat the grades.

I am not saying do not worry about your grades, but it is not the end of the world if you do not get the grade you were expecting on a test or paper. Move on and work harder to redeem yourself!

15. Find a balance.

I know this is hard, but it is possible. You just have to search deep for that balance between school work, social life, getting a work out in, going to work, or whatever it is you are needing to balance.

16. Don't be afraid to change your major.

I have changed my major five times this year. I came to college with a "plan", and I am not longer sticking to that plan. College is all about finding who you are, and if you have to change your major several times to figure out who you are, that is fine.

17. Keep your head up.

During your first year of college, you will stumble across many trials and tribulations. That is normal. You are not alone, stay positive.

18. Have fun!

I feel that this is the most important lesson of all. There are so many opportunities and chances, take advantage of it! Yes, college is stressful at times, but it is also fun. Make the most of it, and make a lot of memories while you can!

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