The Ins And Outs Of Firefly | The Odyssey Online
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The Inside Scoop Of Firefly Music Festival According To 12 different women

Here you can learn the ins and outs of Firefly before you even go.

The Inside Scoop Of Firefly Music Festival According To 12 different women
Katie Petrilak

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Firefly is one of the best music festivals for the east coast! Anyone and everyone is showing up to hear their favorite artists. There's something for everyone to enjoy. The music, the food, the heat, the hangout spots, the shopping, anything and everything. Not sure what you'll enjoy? Well, I went for you to figure out what the best of the best was for you.

1. Kristina, Emily, and Sarah

Age: 24, 22, 22

What's your favorite part of Firefly? Well, we haven't been here for long, but definitely the music.

What's your least favorite part of Firefly? Definitely the heat. The prices of the food.

Any artists you're dying to hear? Smallpools. The Killers.

What's your favorite festival food? The I <3 Pizza food truck. Budlight, it won't help keep me hydrated, but it sure is delicious.

What's your #1 staple festival piece? Really good friends. We may be dying of heat, but we're doing it together.

2. Nicole and Martina

Age: 19, 17

What's your favorite part of Firefly? The weather (if only you heard how sarcastic she was). Just being able to hear some of the best artists

What's your least favorite part of Firefly? Like I sarcastically said before, the weather.

Any artists you're dying to hear? Well, I'm gonna be waiting here for the next three hours to hear Vance Joy. I can't wait to see PnB Rock

What's your favorite festival food? That pizza is pretty good, I forget what it's called. I think it's I <3 spicy pizza?

What's your #1 staple festival piece? Off the shoulder tops. Sunglasses, can't live without them.

3. Casey and Brittney

Age: 21, 22

What's your favorite part of Firefly? Well, this is my first year here, it's so crazy and today's the big day. This is my third year, so it's all about hangin' back and relaxing.

What's your least favorite part of Firefly? The heat, for sure. There's not enough shaded area to hang out in. The cost of everything. It's like $15 for a Redbull and a shot or something.

Any artists you're dying to hear? I'm definitely looking forward to SZA. Well, I'm looking forward to Arctic Monkeys, just because I've been around so many years and they're so good to hear.

What's your favorite festival food? Water. Just trying to stay hydrated.

What's your #1 staple festival piece? A water-pack. I've had it for all three years, and now everyone has it and the refilling station is so convenient for it. Sunscreen. I'm definitely a burner, so this is the only way I'll survive this weekend.

4. McKayla and Megan

Age: 21

What's your favorite part of Firefly? At the end of the night at the main stage surrounded by everybody, it's such a good vibe. This is my first firefly, so I'm just enjoying the people watching.

What's your least favorite part of Firefly? Last year I camped... interesting. I paid like $8 to shower. I was not prepared at all. Even like the sweaty bodies all up on your

Any artists you're dying to hear? The Killers for sure. Smallpools.

What's your favorite festival food? Tres Amigos. The fried avocado was delicious. Someone shared a vegetable pot-sticker with us and it was goooood.

What's your #1 staple festival piece? Not at all. I had no idea what to wear. I've been wearing these shorts to almost every single festival, so they've been with me through everything. Even this plaid flannel. It's a must have. Just tie it around your waist and you have a jacket for at night when it gets cold, something to sit on, it wipes off the sweat.

5. Emma and Jackie

Age: 21

What's your favorite part of Firefly? That's such a hard question, cause everything is fun. I guess the music, tonight's a big night with Eminem and Lil Wayne. The little shops are cute.

What's your least favorite part of Firefly? The mosh pits. My feet are swollen, I did a mistake by wearing flip flops. We started off in the front and ended up all the way in the back. And they knock you down, I got trampled on. It's worth it though.

Any artists you're dying to hear? Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Lil Wayne

What's your favorite festival food? We're gonna try Moms Spaghetti in honor of Eminem

What's your #1 staple festival piece? Yes! We always get clothes right before the festival, gotta get some cute festival tops. Got these classic sneakers on.

6. Emily

Age: 18

What's your favorite part of Firefly? Well I've been here for like an hour. But it's a cool vibe, everyone's friendly.

What's your least favorite part of Firefly? It's so hot. But the free water refill stations are like a lifesaver

Any artists you're dying to hear? Noah Kahan. I'm looking forward to seeing him so much, he's in like 10 minutes!

What's your favorite festival food? I had a smoothie in the hub and it was really good.

What's your #1 staple festival piece? Converse. You just need comfortable shoes to walk around in, even though they got so muddy. I've stepped in so many puddles, it's unreal. Especially at the water refill stations.

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