Watch These Six Feel-Good Movies To Chase Away The Winter Blues | The Odyssey Online
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You Need To Watch These 6 Feel-Good Movie To Chase Away Your Wintertime Blues

Even though Christmas is over, the spirit of these movies will keep you warm.

You Need To Watch These 6 Feel-Good Movie To Chase Away Your Wintertime Blues

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The period between the holidays and spring has always been hard for me. The weather outside is still frightful, but snow banks and ice no longer have the same charm as they did when under the glow of string lights. Whether you have an early case of spring fever, or simply need a pick-me-up while prepping for spring semester, check out these six movies to warm up inside.

1. "Dumplin'"


This is probably my new favorite movie. The Netflix Original follows the story of Willowdean Dixon, a curvy girl from Texas, competes in a local beauty pageant run by her ex-beauty queen mom. Complete with an emphasis on inclusivity, a bittersweet ending, and a super cute line cook, this movie is sure to warm anyone's heart.

2. "The Blind Side"

If this year's resolutions list includes being more generous, accepting, or connected with your family, this movie is for you. "The Blind Side" follows the story of Michael, an athletically-gifted, homeless high school student, and the wealthy family who adopts him. This movie strikes a perfect balance between drama, sports, and a little bit of sass.

3. "Mama Mia"

Belfast Film Festival

On the day of her wedding, the main character Sophie invites her potential fathers to her mother's island resort -- all three of them. If the cute and quirky plot isn't enough, the music is just so dang catchy! Already seen the first movie? Move on to the sequel.

4. "The Longest Ride"

The Hollywood Reporter

I've never been a huge Nicholas Sparks fan, but my roommate turned me onto this movie and I fell in love with both the characters and the North Carolina setting. The movie follows two interconnected storylines, featuring both a past and a modern romance.

5. "The Shape of Water"

Affinity Magazine

Although the romance is a little strange, as a mute woman falls in love with a fish-like creature being kept in a government lab, but this movie made my heart stop at least once. It's intense for a feel-good film, but if you're ready for something unique and unexpected, give it a try.

6. "The Breakfast Club"

The Atlantic

An oldie but a goodie, "The Breakfast Club" brings back nostalgia for multiple generations. The movie logs a day in detention with a nerd, a goth, a bad boy, a "princess," and their principal who is determined to bring them down. It's never too late to appreciate the humor and angst of an 80s high school flick.

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