A Film Lover's List of The Top 10 Halloween Films
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A Film Lover's List of The Top 10 Halloween Films

Looking for a movie that's creepy, scary, or hilarious? Well this is just the list for you.

A Film Lover's List of The Top 10 Halloween Films

Now that October has finally arrived I am definitely looking forward to enjoying some Halloween films. Many are scary, some are funny, and all are great!!! Sit down with a hot chocolate or a pumpkin spice latte and get ready to enjoy some great entertainment. (Please note my spoil alert for different films descriptions.)

10: Friday the 13th

I had to start with a film that has one of the biggest cult followings ever. It's full of scares, killings, and Jason Voorhees. The film takes place at a camp where someone has begun the game of killing the counselors. The film is scary, gory, and all around fun for any Halloween lover. Make sure that you watch the 1980's version instead of the 2009, as they just aren't the same film.

9: Halloween

Another great '80s Halloween film that already has the name of the holiday right in it. The film explores the return of a child killer who haunts his home town of Haddonfield. The success of the film has consequently sparked a series of other films by the same name. Unfortunately, none of them come anywhere close to the original. If you are looking for a classic terrifying film with a child killer, this is the film for you.

8: Arsenic and Old Lace

Arsenic and Old Lace is a classic funny film about the horror's of Halloween that would definitely leave you crying tears of joy. Cary Grant plays a man who is about to get married, only to find out that his aunt's hobby consist of killing people and keeping them in her cellar, among other horrifyingly hilarious events.

7: Rosemary's Baby

Now let's go back to a cult classic Halloween film about the devil. Rosemary is a women who has recently married the man of her dreams, only to find out that her future baby may not be his. This film was a favorite of mine whilst at school because of the rich film history that it holds. Since it's release, the film has sparked various parodies and inspired many directors and writers to copy it's style. However no one has been able to top Roman Polenski. This film also isn't as scary as the others above, more of a psychological thriller, for anyone who isn't to the gore and screams.

6: The Exorcist

Based off the book of the same title, this film explores the life of a child possessed by the devil and a priest that tries to save her. The film is full of killings, blood, and screams of horror. Since 1973 this film has sparked many other films about possession and exorcists. Despite the outdated special effects, many still say it's the scariest film ever made. If you don't believe them, just check out the book, it's terrifying.

5: Young Frankenstein

Now I thought I would throw in a personal favorite Halloween film of mine. This hilarious Gene Wilder and Mel Brooks classic collaboration is the perfect "parody" of the classic Frankenstein storyline. The film is about a young scientist who returns to his grandfather's lab to see if he can finish his grandfather's monster. Unfortunately, something goes terribly wrong and the monster isn't exactly the scary, creepy man that he is suppose to be. The film is hilariously filled with classic jokes and phrases that will never be forgotten.

4: Nightmare on Elm Street

Despite how good Friday the 13th is, no monster is as classically scary as Freddy Kruger. This monster began haunting the streets in this 1984 classic. The result of both films successes sparked various other films titled Freddy vs. Jason, that explored the story-lines of both characters. However, between the two, I personally believe that Freddy Kruger is far scarier and creeper than Jason.

3: The Shining

One of my personal favorites and based off the Stephen King novel of the same name, "The Shining" is filled with scary music that brings it's classically horrifying storyline to life. The film has suspended cult status and like many other classic Halloween films, it has inspired some hilarious parodies and spin-off scary films. If your looking for a great cult classic Halloween film that film lovers have enjoyed for years, then this is for you. And remember, never go into room 237.

2: Rocky Horror Picture Show

This was a tough one, because I already knew what I wanted number one to be, but I wasn't sure if the second one should be a scary or funny film. I decided to go with a film that has one of the biggest and best cult followings in the world. "Rocky Horror Picture Show" isn't just a film about the story of a lost man and women who find themselves at a scary house full of some weird characters, it's an experience that one will never forget. If you don't have any plans to go trick or treating on Halloween, bring some friends along to a Rock Horror Show and lose your virginity.

1: Psycho

This film is one of the best classic Halloween films because of it's incredible storyline, attention to sound, and complex characters. Despite it's dated special effects and costumes, the film is still enjoyable to watch. It's one of Alfred Hitchcock's thrilling masterpieces along with "The Birds", "North by Northwest", and "Vertigo". If you're looking for a good film that has the greatest classic scare, this is the one to watch.

I hope you find all these films both interesting and enjoyable. I know that I probably missed a slew of other great films for Halloween so be sure to let me know in the comments what's your favorite Halloween film!!

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