Fifteen Pros And Cons To Making Me Your Girlfriend
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Fifteen Pros And Cons To Making Me Your Girlfriend

We all have our little quirks along with the charming traits.

Fifteen Pros And Cons To Making Me Your Girlfriend

1. Pro: I'm not high maintenance at all.
My idea of a "great night" would consist of hanging out one on one, doing all of that cliche cheesy stuff - including star gazing, (c'mon, it's romantic) watching corny movies together, making dinner together and then having a food fight afterwards because why not . . . and then cleaning the kitchen together as well tease each other about our crazy random exploits. We could just hang out and hold hands and laugh at nothing and listen to music and eat food and get fat and say cute things about one another. Y'know. That kind of thing. Simple, but from the heart - almost like a homemade present. I like homemade presents.

2. Con:I like my independence a little too much.
And by that, I mean, I really really really like my alone time. It's not like I'm a hermit or anything (although, I do suspect whether I might be at times...) If you try to call me or text me a billion times and I'm not answering, it's not because I don't care about you or are less interested in you. My alone time has just always been really valuable to me. Since I was a little kid, I've held it near and dear because I was introverted growing up. During that time, I've used it to express myself and find out who I am. I am a writer, an internal thinker, a reflector, an artist, a dancer, and just all around a right brained creative thinker who needs to get away from the world from time to time. Or... a lot. I know it kind of sounds lame, so that's why it's a con. This will happen quite frequently.

3. Pro: I'm kind of funny.
And do you see how I put the words "kind of" in there? I'm not a comedian, but I've been known to make a lot of people laugh, just by being me. Oh, and now that I say that, it makes it sound like a bad thing... no, we'll say it's a good thing. You'll be laughing so hard you'll have tears in your eyes.

4. Con:I'm stubborn.
When I have an idea in mind, I stick with it, and then I won't budge. So, good luck trying to get me into country music or something, or wanting to go see that one movie that looks incredibly awful. Well, maybe I'll go see it because I'll be a wicked girlfriend. But nonetheless, I am the queen of stubborn, and I have been called out on it at least a dozen times. I will also add that it gets exhausting at times, because I'm so set on what I want to do.

5. Pro:I'm loyal.
I promise to be there for you whenever you need me, and I'll do my very best to not let you down because I'll be your partner in crime. I'm a very loyal person when it comes to the ones who I hold near and dear, close to my heart. Relationships of any kind are extremely important to me, and they always have been. The way I see it, be there for the ones whom you love, through thick or thin.

6. Con: I have some things to sort out, yet.
And by things, I mean my mental disorders (depression, anxiety, ocd, etc.) It's not exactly a con because there is nothing wrong with these things, but there are times where they really consume me and it's made a couple of old boyfriends leave. I guess it just takes patience. Either you stay, or you end up running away. But this is who I am. It's not completely me, and I'm not a label, but it's a piece of me. I know that I won't ever change for anyone else, or compensate for who I really am. I've had old flames try and turn me into a completely different person just for the sake of my flaws. I have a lot of stuff to still figure out - I'm young. The world is a crazy, chaotic place and we all don't know what we are doing.

7. Pro: I'll make you food
...but then I'll probably eat it too, or most of it. So should that count as a con?? That I'll end up eating all of your food??? I guess we can do both! I enjoy cooking whenever I have the time to, so I'll end up making you a lot of cookies, probably cake, I might make you breakfast for no reason. I like doing random, spontaneous stuff. So get ready for all of the food. But the con on this one is that I eat like a man, and I have the appetite of damn lion. Don't expect there to be any food left over when you want some, because it'll be all gone... I don't hold back. Whenever I'm hungry, I EAT.

8. Con: I'm annoying sometimes.
Hahahaha. So much so, that you'll want to punch ME in the face.

9. Pro:I'm a great listener,
and I'll always be there for you whenever you want to vent or get something off of your chest. To me, you'll be in my top priorities because I'll be the kind of girlfriend who believes her boyfriend is extremely important - how could I not take the time and listen to you and what's going on in your life? You're important, and I will show that to you because I care.

10. Con:I get easily annoyed and impatient:
Yes, it is a downfall, and yes it is something that I am working on. I get annoyed so easily, I'm surprised I've made it this far without snapping on someone every two minutes or worse - blowing something up. I have the patience of someone who has no patience. (that was a bad joke) I also have the WORST road rage. Driving with me during a traffic jam is the worst thing ever, because I'll be screaming and swearing and hollering, and all that fun stuff. Ironically enough, my annoyance can end up making the people around me annoyed. I don't know what it is! I think I get my low patience from my mother, and my annoyance from my biological father. It gets bad.

11. Pro: I'll make your life (at least) semi-interesting.
Mainly with my weirdness and quirky, misunderstood behavior. I sing and dance in public bathrooms, I sing in dance in GENERAL, I sometimes speak without thinking resulting in a really awkward silence following said weird statement, and I end up acting really goofy and awkward when I get really nervous or feel out of place. I end up just saying "screw it" after I've embarrassed myself enough times, and just go with the awkwardness. I've been told that it's endearing, so I guess that is good. I'm sorry if I embarrass you, but that's what comes with me being a girlfriend to someone.

12. Con:Sometimes I beat around the bush, and quite a bit.
I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who does this. Most of the female population are known for doing this, and I don't know why. We just do. I know it's kind of childish, but I do this thing where I'll be really quiet, or I'll get annoyed (see con #10) and I won't say anything for awhile. During that time, I'll hope that said guy will figure out what is wrong and say something. When he does, I respond with, yes, those two irritating words: "I'm fine". Because, I'm usually not fine when I say that. Yeah, yeah, guys get annoyed with it and I don't blame them. I'm annoying a lot of the times, but I do this a lot. Sorry.......

13. Pro: But then I am open to you about the important things.
At the end of the day, after all of the stupid stuff and the silly little things that irritates both of us, I'll let you know what is on my mind. It's not fun going to sleep upset or not being truthful, because you still are very important and special to me. I'll only hold a grudge for approximately - well, actually, I don't know. But I do not that it doesn't last forever and I want to tell you ever single detail to the best of my ability to what is going on in my mind. I want to talk to you.

14. Con:
I get jealous EASILY. When I see another girl talking to you, I want to bash their brains in and go ham on them. Yeah, it's stupid and immature, but we're only human. On the outside, I'll be playing it really cool, but on the inside I'm boiling with jealously. I'm not jealous because I have low self esteem - it's just that when I get close to someone or admire them so much, or happen to fall in love with them - I am afraid of losing them, and any chance of someone interfering with that scares me... so the jealous comes into play. So I guess that's also kind of cute and romantic in a weird way??? I guess you could be flattered. :)

15. Pro:I like to make homemade gifts out of nowhere.
Poems, mix CDs, drawings, short stories, all of that. Expect it. A lot, or out of the blue. I show my affection and appreciation by being all romantic and stuff by showering you with my own homemade gifts - just reminders that I care, which is very important to me. Oh, and because I really like artsy stuff.

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