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7 Reasons Why Fall Is Superior To The Other Seasons

The days are cooler, the leaves are changing, and the vibes are cozier. What's there not to love about fall?

7 Reasons Why Fall Is Superior To The Other Seasons
Photo by Alex Geerts on Unsplash

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It's officially fall! The time has come when we can wave the hot, humid days of summer goodbye and trade in our sandals and shorts for boots and leggings. Here are some reasons to look forward to fall and why it's the best season.

1. Fall Foliage

One of my favorite parts about fall is when the green leaves of summer start to transform into hues of yellow, orange and red. Fall foliage turns any location into a picturesque scene. Each fall, I love capturing these moments with my phone.

2. Pumpkin Spice and Other Fall Flavors

Pumpkin spice, you either love it or hate it. Pumpkin spice coffees, desserts, baked goods and scented candles become available in late August and are enjoyed throughout the season. For those who are not fans of pumpkin spice, there are other fall flavors to enjoy such as apple, caramel and cinnamon. Whichever flavor you prefer, there's no doubt that these flavors are the taste of fall.

3. Sweater Weather

During the fall, the days are crisper and cooler, which makes it the perfect season to layer with our favorite cozy sweater and other warm clothing. Even the remaining warm summer days that trickle into September turn into cool nights.

4. Halloween

Spooky season is by far the best season. From the decorations, to dressing up in costumes, to Trick-or-Treating, to watching "Hocus Pocus" and other Disney Halloween classics, Halloween makes me look forward to fall every year. While Halloween may look a little different this year, there are still fun things you can do to celebrate!

5. Apple Picking

It has become an annual fall tradition in my family to pack up a picnic in our car and head to our favorite orchard for apple picking. Here in New England, apple picking season is from September to October, but the end of September is usually the best time to go. In addition to apple picking, orchards have pumpkins for sale, cider donuts and hayrides. The best part is taking these apple home to bake pies, cakes and other desserts!

6. Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is about spending time with your loved ones, enjoying delicious food and reflecting on what you are grateful for. It also marks the start of the holiday season. I love waking up to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and help my mom cook family favorites for dinner. Everyone has their own tradition or style of how they celebrate the day, which makes Thanksgiving special.

7. Fall Candles

While candles are enjoyable to burn at any time of the year, nothing compares to burning them in the fall. Fall candles create warm, cozy vibes on a chilly or rainy day with the scents of apple and pumpkin.

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