It's happening.
September has finally arrived and with it my passion for autumn has resurfaced.
I've personally never been the type of person to like summer. For one, I find it pretty boring. But mostly it just brings a lot of days where all I do is sweat, nights where I wish it was dark sooner so that I could go to bed earlier, disgusting bugs that never seem to leave me alone, and an overwhelming amount of people from my past who suddenly want to "talk" even though they haven't spoken a word to me in years.
But fall never fails me. No matter how my life is going, I can always find an appreciation for it. Autumn is the superior season and there is a never-ending list of reasons as to why fall is always better than summer.
1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
If you haven't heard yet, Starbucks' popular Pumpkin Spice Latte has finally returned for the fall season. As an avid coffee drinker, the start of seasonal drinks in the fall and winter is the best time of the year for me because it means I get to sit in a coffee shop, work on homework, and sip on a delicious, calorie-ridden drink that is the flavor of pure autumn.
2. Wearing a comfortable flannel
If you know me at all, then you know that I love wearing a flannel the second it gets even slightly cold outside. Flannels are honestly the best article of clothing in the world. They're comfortable, warm, and stylish all in one.
3. Apple picking
Patterson Fruit Farm, also known as the best place to take cute autumnal pictures if you're basic like me, is the perfect place to go apple picking once fall rolls around.
4. Strutting around in boots
Although I've finally retired my combat boots, which basically became useless once they were so worn that they had holes in the bottom that let in water whenever it rained, I am a sucker for adorable boots. The horrible part about summer is that I'm expected to wear sandals on my feet since it's hot, even though sandals are arguably the least comfortable type of shoe. But fall means I get to bring the boots back out.
5. Watching the leaves fall
Are you seriously going to try to argue that summer is a prettier season than fall? I mean, what does summer even have besides blue skies (which is rarely a thing in Ohio)? Fall is without a doubt the most gorgeous season because all the leaves change color and slowly start falling to the ground, where they make a satisfying crunch noise underneath your cute boots when you walk around.
7. Staying inside all day
Somedays all you want to do is curl up in a blanket with a good book and never leave the safety of your home. During summer, this is usually seen as socially unacceptable because it's wrong to waste a day inside when the weather is wonderful. But on a rainy day during the fall, this is a perfect way to spend your time.
8. Being warm in a sweater
You all know I'm right when I say that autumn is the time of the most attractive, most comfortable clothing of the entire year.
9. Halloween
Falls means the best holiday of the year: Halloween. Halloween means thinking of the funniest costume while spending as little money as possible, eating candy corn even though you think it's gross, and trying your best to carve a pumpkin that will eventually just rot. What's not to love?