5. Hit up a local or state fair. | The Odyssey Online
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8 Autumn Date Ideas That Will Have You Falling For More Than Just Your Boyfriend

Going to the state fair? Sign me up.


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If you're like me, by this time of year you're over summer. The beach, the sunshine, and the heat were all great, but now we're itching for blanket scarves, football, and pumpkin spice EVERYTHING! As the new season approaches, your relationship can benefit from some old traditional dates and some new fresh ideas! Here are a couple great date ideas for you and your boo to try out this fall.

1. Light a bonfire and roast some s'mores.

Photo by Josh Campbell on Unsplash

Fall is the best time to snuggle up by a bonfire and roast s'mores. It's a great time to take advantage of the great fall weather and look up at the stars while eating your sweet treats.

2. Go out to a football game!

Photo by Andrew Gearhart on Unsplash

Whether it be college or high school, fall is notorious for Friday night lights and football games. If you both like sports, find a football game in your area and become apart of the fan section in the stands!

3. Carve a pumpkin.

Photo by Bekir Dönmez on Unsplash

Hit up the local pumpkin patch and pick out the pumpkins that best fit you! Then, later get creative and carve the pumpkins together. The messy times will be the best memory.

4. Paint a pumpkin.

Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

If you're not into the messy side of pumpkins, be creative and decorate your own by painting it, or better yet, paint a pumpkin for each other!

5. Hit up a local or state fair.

Photo by Daniel von Appen on Unsplash

I know it's stereotypical, but one of the best parts of fall is the fair. Whether it's county and small or state and big, the fried food, rides, and games will give you the perfect fun night.

6. Go to a corn maze.

Photo by Travis Essinger on Unsplash

Just like an escape room, a corn maze provides a fun challenge for you both to work together to get out, and if you're feeling adventurous, go to the haunted mazes to get spooked.

7. Go to an outdoor movie night.

Photo by Zhifei Zhou on Unsplash

Either a drive in or a projector and sheet in your backyard, take movie night outside while the weather is nice and watch either your favorite movies or some Halloween themed movies for a new spin on a night in.

8. Take a day trip.

Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

Finally, take a day trip to your place of choice, maybe have a picnic, and enjoy the weather and the beautiful fall colors.

While these are just a few, there are plenty of date ideas for this upcoming fall, discover your favorite. Make the most of the season and "fall" for your significant other all over again.

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