Fahrenheit 2016: Why You Should Be Fuming At The Library
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Fahrenheit 2016: Why You Should Be Fuming At The Library

Ray Bradbury's warning of a society is becoming all too real.

Fahrenheit 2016: Why You Should Be Fuming At The Library
Adrian Schüpbach

The last week of September celebrates a specific freedom that many forget about; often we take the freedom to read for granted. It's such a mundane task to pour a cup of coffee and read an enjoyable novel of our choice. Did you know that there is actually a list of books challenged by the government and libraries? Books that are challenged are in the process of getting removed or restricted by libraries. Banned Books Week encourages readers to review the list and read those challenged books.

On this list of books challenged is an ironic novel by Ray Bradbury, "Fahrenheit 451." This novel set in a futuristic dystopian society that not only prohibits books but also burns them as well. How satirical is it that a book about banning books is on the list of banned books? (Say that fives time fast.) In celebration of our right to read here's eight reasons why you should be reading "Fahrenheit 451."

1. You probably have to read it in school.

Yes, it's one of those books your English teacher will hand you at the beginning of the semester. While some libraries and school believe this book should be restricted, my school required it in Honors English.

2. It's also a movie.

That means if you read it in school you might get to watch the movie! The movie adaption of "Fahrenheit 451" was made in 1966, and has some interesting special effects. I swear some scenes were shot backwards. Wacky effects or not, movie day in school is always a good day. It used to be available on Netflix and I spent a Saturday afternoon watching it. I wouldn't watch it for a date night but it's enjoyable if you're deathly bored.

3. It features literary satire (and arson)!

Is there anything better than satire? I mean honestly, I'm always in the mood for some sarcastic humor. In "Fahrenheit 451" the firemen don't put out fires, they are the ones starting the fires! It is their job to locate and burn the outlawed books. The main character, Guy Montag, begins questioning his career when he meets a young girl named Clarisse McClellan.

4. Ray Bradbury predicted our everyday technology.

Ray Bradbury wrote the novel in 1953, but he was way ahead of his time. Some technology that Bradbury predicted includes floor-to-ceiling TVs, ear buds, and robotic dogs.

5. Knowledge, ignorance, and everyone is offended.

It is easier to control ignorant than educated people. A society without books is filled will ignorant people that don't question their government. This makes it easier for the government to rule with an iron fist. Montag's wife becomes addicted to her TV and lacks social skills which sounds all too real in 2016.

6. The pen is mightier than the sword.

The novel gives us more reason to believe our English teachers when they say, "The pen is mightier than the sword." The society in "Fahrenheit 451" feared books enough to burn them. Montag's boss delivers a powerful in defense of their career.

"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy. So! A book is a loaded gun in the house next door. Burn it. Take the shot from the weapon, Breach one man's mind."

7. The title is scientific.

"Fahrenheit 451" earns the title from the range of autoignition temperature the paper burns at. Unfortunately it's been proven that papers burn at a higher temperature than what the title states.

8. There's a dog.

Okay, there's a mechanical dog with eight legs. He isn't a cuddly creature by any means. His job is chase down fugitives which includes Montag. Sorry to get anyone's hopes up of a real dog.

There are many other great works of literature on the list of banned books. Don't forget to celebrate the freedom to read this week, September 25-October 1. Check out the links and happy reading!

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