Enhance your Website, Freelancers!
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Enhance your Website, Freelancers!

Your dedicated work website is your most critical marketing tool

Website for Freelancers

As a freelancer you have the opportunity to go beyond the limitations or boundaries defined by someone else. You enjoy working for yourself and do not have the stress of commitment to a particular organization. Perks of being self-employed.

On the other hand, exposure, although difficult to attain, is of utmost importance to freelancers. I mean what's the point of your brilliant work not being able to reach the target audience? This lack of exposure may lead to a negative influence on you and your work. Work prominence is what you require. And that can be achieved by having an alluring website. You simply cannot waste time marketing, investing money and promoting your work via other means. If you do not have a website yet, get on it, pronto. And if you do, perhaps it's time reexamine and double-check all the nitty-gritties. Your dedicated work website is your most critical marketing tool and enhancing the same will do wonders for you. Either you hire a consultant for your website design and development in Adelaide or do it yourself, here are a few things you MUST have in your website:

Illustrate your finest work

Showcasing your previous work highlights your capabilities, talent and potential. If you have laudable projects under your belt, do not be afraid to show them off.

Psychologists say that people have a tendency to lean towards people, places and objects that seem to resemble them. Hence, adding work testimonies offered by others can also be a beneficial addition to your website. People identify with them and then are inclined to sign up for your services. On the other hand, it's not wise to stuff your website solely with this information. Distinguish between superior quality and ordinary projects that you've been a part of and consider displaying the exceptional work with reputed names associated with it.

The 'About' page

Instead of using stock photos that everyone has access to online, upload a real picture of you or your team (if you happen to have one) on the 'about' page of your website. Give a face to your enterprise. As reported by researchers, stock images are generally ignored by visitors.Therefore, you miss out on a wonderful opportunity to connect with your audience and turn that connection into a successful business interaction.

Contact is everything

Yes, all of you'll have contact information on your websites but how is it placed? Is it easily accessible? Contact information is often not given enough thought, which can be detrimental. Instead of cramming all your information on the footer or some other tiny unreadable space, dedicate a page for all your contact information. Make sure you include all your social media links as well. Easy navigation and ease of access should be pivotal in your web design and this offers the same.

What you can do for them

With what you've done already displayed on your website, you need to showcase how you can use your abilities to help the ones visiting your website. This is often overlooked and is perhaps the biggest mistake freelancers make. Yes, you've informed them of how well you've done your previous projects but how can you help them? Instead of providing features of your work or business, hand them the benefits. For instance, don't say you are a 'writer/copywriter', say 'engage more readers with written content that sells'.

The advantages of a creative, easy to navigate, helpful website cannot be emphasised enough. It is the only cost-effective platform that skillfully displays all your hard work to attract potential working partners. So doesn't hurt to keep these points in mind.

Happy freelancing!

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