12. Oatmeal Raisin Cookie | The Odyssey Online
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13 Of My Favorite Original Overnight Oatmeal Recipes

Lauren is my name and overnight oatmeal is my game.

13 Of My Favorite Original Overnight Oatmeal Recipes

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Overnight oats are one of my favorite breakfasts! There are so many options and variations. Below are a few of my favorites to give you some ideas, but don't be afraid to get creative with them!

For example, instead of using 1/2 cup of plain quick oats, you can always use a packet of flavored instant oats! You could even try a flavor of Greek yogurt other than the one I suggest in the recipe or change up the fruits. The variations are limitless!

I gave some suggestions for toppings, too, but you can really add whatever toppings you want! In my opinion, you can never go wrong with adding more toppings before you eat overnight oats - the more, the merrier - especially when they are nut butters, fruit, and granola for a little crunch!

Also, here's a little tip: make your overnight oats in a jar of nut butter that has about 2 to 4 tbsp. left in it... you can thank me later.

Check out my Instagram @fightforlifelauren for my latest and newest recipes!

1. Vanilla Almond Berry

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 cup frozen or fresh berries + 2 tbsp. sliced almonds + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh berries, almond butter, granola, more almonds, and whatever else your heart desires in the morning before eating!

2. Cinnamon Raisin Zucchini Bread

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1/4 cup shredded zucchini + cinnamon + ginger + 1/2 cup raisins + 2 tbsp. walnuts or sunflower seeds + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh fruit, more seeds or nuts, almond butter, granola, dried fruit, or whatever else you want before eating!

3. Creamy Coconut Chia

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container coconut Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk OR coconut milk + 1 tsp. Chia seeds + 2 tbsp. coconut flakes + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh fruit, almond butter, nuts and seeds, granola, more coconut flakes, and whatever else in the morning!

4. Chocolate Banana

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container banana Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 mashed banana + 2 tbsp. chocolate chips + optional 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder

Top with fresh sliced bananas, peanut butter, more chocolate chips, granola, or whatever else before eating!

5. PBJ

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 cup mashed berries or banana + 2-4 tbsp. peanut butter + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh sliced bananas or berries, peanut butter, chocolate chips, granola, nuts and seeds, and anything else you want to before eating!

6. Carrot Cake

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk OR coconut milk + 2 tbsp. coconut flakes + 2 tbsp. crushed walnuts + 1/4 cup raisins + 1/4 cup grated carrots + ginger + cinnamon + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh fruit, more seeds, and nuts, almond butter, granola, more coconut flakes, dried fruit, or whatever else in the morning!

7. Maple Mango

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 tbsp. maple syrup + 1 cup cubed mango + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with nuts and seeds, almond butter, fresh mango, granola, or whatever else in the morning!

8. Banana Cream Pie

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container banana Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 mashed banana + 2 tbsp.coconut flakes + 1/4 cup crushed 'Nilla Wafers or graham crackers + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh banana slices, 'Nilla wafers, almond butter, more coconut flakes, granola, graham cracker crumble, whipped cream, and whatever else your heart desires before eating!

9. Cinnamon Apple

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container cinnamon apple Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + cinnamon + 2 tbsp. crushed walnuts or sunflower seeds + 1/4 cup raisins + 1/2 cup chopped apple + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with fresh or cooked apples, almond butter, dried fruit, granola, nuts and seeds, and whatever else in the morning!

10. Honey Almond Crunch

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 tbsp. honey + 2 tbsp. sliced almonds + 1 cup berries or 1 mashed banana + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with almond butter, fresh fruit, granola, Honey Nut Cheerios, honey, almonds and seeds, and anything else you want in the morning

11. Caramel Coconut Chip

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container caramel Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup coconut milk + 2 tbsp. coconut flakes + 1 mashed banana + 2 tbsp. chocolate chips + 1 tsp. Chia seeds + 2 tbsp. sliced almonds + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with sliced bananas, more chocolate chips, almond butter, nuts and seeds, more coconut flakes, granola, and anything else you can think of!

12. Oatmeal Raisin Cookie

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1/2 cup raisins + cinnamon + ginger + 1 tbsp. honey + 2 tbsp. crush almonds or sunflower seeds + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with more raisins, nuts, and seeds, almond butter, fresh or cooked apples, granola, or anything else before eating!

13. Blueberry Muffin

Lauren Burkholder

In a jar, mix together and let sit in the refrigerator overnight: 1 container vanilla Greek yogurt + 1/2 cup quick oats + 1/4 cup vanilla almond milk + 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries + 1 tbsp. honey + 2 tbsp. sliced almonds + optional 1/2 scoop protein powder

Top with nuts and seeds, more blueberries, granola, almond butter, crushed graham crackers, and whatever else in the morning!

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