4. Glassware Set ($21) | The Odyssey Online
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Don't Stress Over The Holidays: 11 Holiday Gifts Ideas

Here are some gifts ideas for every budget.

Don't Stress Over The Holidays: 11 Holiday Gifts Ideas

Santa's factory might be working hard to get everyone's presents ready for delivery. But almost 80% of Americans reveals to have holiday stress and nearly one-third admit shopping for gifts is the main reason, according to a study by SWNS reported on Fox News. Instead of coming with last minute DIY Christmas presents, plan ahead on your Christmas shopping and find the perfect and thoughtful gift for everyone in your family. Here is a variety of gift ideas that are cute, affordable that your family and friends will be delighted.

Here is a good way to start, packaging ideas. Got a big family? Do you plan to give out many gifts? Impress your big family with this Christmas Holiday Glow-in-the-dark Gift Bag set which is perfect to skip wrapping gifts, this set consists of 22 glow-in-the-dark Christmas holiday gift bags in different sizes for just $17.98. Is a great start to start preparing for your gifts wrapping situation.

Now that you have your wrappers ready, scroll for more ideas on how to fill your cool glow-in-the-dark gift bags with impressive presents for the Holidays.

1. Bath Bomb ($7.95)

Lush Sex Bomb


A warm and sensual scent, rich in antioxidants and soothing on your skin. Lush Sex Bomb is the perfect gift to set the mood for any romantic bath.

2. Candle ($12.95)

Eucalyptus & Tea Candle Aromatherapy


Who doesn't love the best any candle that not obscenely expensive, the candles that famous people really enjoy? Well, a perfect gift for the holidays could be the best holiday candle. Candles can feel uninspired and impersonal gift option but is a perfect way to make your home smell and feel comfy. This Eucalyptus & Tea candle with delight your senses with the smell and essential oils.

3. 2019 Planner ($14.99)

2019 White Marble Planner

This trendy marble pattern for the upcoming year makes this weekly and monthly spread planner good for reminders for home or work organization. The perfect gift to write down New Year resolutions that will be durable for achievement. Motivate the person your a giving this too, by starting their new year the best way possible.

4. Glassware Set ($21)

Cassiopeia Glassware (Set of 6)


This set of 6-Cassiopeia Glassware by Bormioli Rocco is the perfect gift for her or him for the holidays. Not just it adds texture and an intriguing feel to your bar table, but it reflects light lending a magical touch to meals and parties.

5. Photo Journal ($29)

Photo Journal


Celebrate a year of photo journaling, 365 days full of memories by taking stunning pictures and adding captions to each them, you will never forget your precious memories ever again. Durable and refined Photo Journal that will keep your memories alive.

6. Sephora Findings ($20-100)

Tarte-Pineapple Of My Eye Collector's Set


This fun Tarte collection from Sephora has everything you need for a full face look. Including bestselling Tarte collectors of eyeshadow, liner, mascara, check and lip formulas in all new shades. The perfect to go look every girl dreams of.

7. Gift Card ($50)

Amazon $50 Gift Card


A gift card is a very nice gift if you are running out of time and need something quick and likable. The most popular gift cards are usually from big companies such as Amazon, iTunes, Walmart, Target, American Express, Starbucks or Disney.

8. Eau de Toilette ($60-80)

Hugo Boss Bottled Tonic


A perfume or a cologne can be extremely personal to the wearer. However, if you are looking for both personal and luxurious gift the best option can be an eau de toilette. Here is a perfume for her that is usually loved by everyone Bvlgari Omnia Crystalline Eau de Toilette. For Him something more masculine such as Boss Bottle Tonic. You are not going to go wrong with this two scent.

9. Airfryer ($99)

Phillips Airfryer

This great deal that is going to delight everyone who loves cooking, the Phillips Airfryer, is the perfect gift. Either if it is for college students, busy moms and dads or anyone this gift can make their cooking experience healthier and more enjoyable.

10. Watch ($125)

Porter Leather Nixon


This modern and minimalist Porter Leather Nixon watch is the perfect gift for him, a traditional style with a classic twist makes the leather straps and the watch as a whole without all the excess.

11. AirPods ($150)

Airpods by Apple


Wireless headphones finally untangled with the creation of the AirPods by Apple. Speak into them, move around, exercise and with a 24-hour battery life, it will be the perfect gift to start the new year resolutions.

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The Great Christmas Movie Debate

"A Christmas Story" is the star on top of the tree.

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One staple of the Christmas season is sitting around the television watching a Christmas movie with family and friends. But of the seemingly hundreds of movies, which one is the star on the tree? Some share stories of Santa to children ("Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"), others want to spread the Christmas joy to adults ("It's a Wonderful Life"), and a select few are made to get laughs ("Elf"). All good movies, but merely ornaments on the Christmas tree of the best movies. What tops the tree is a movie that bridges the gap between these three movies, and makes it a great watch for anyone who chooses to watch it. Enter the timeless Christmas classic, "A Christmas Story." Created in 1983, this movie holds the tradition of capturing both young and old eyes for 24 straight hours on its Christmas Day marathon. It gets the most coverage out of all holiday movies, but the sheer amount of times it's on television does not make it the greatest. Why is it,
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