When You Don't Know What To Write | The Odyssey Online
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When You Don't Know What To Write

Sometimes writer's block is a rut you can't climb out of.

When You Don't Know What To Write

Everyone has those days where their brain just won't work.

No matter how hard you try, a creative idea just won't make its way into your head.

You try everything to get your creative juices flowing.

You might stop at the Starbucks on campus to wake yourself up.

As you're standing in line, you might take a look at the new Fall flavors on the menu.

Then it hits you: You could write a listicle ranking the Starbucks Fall flavors from worst to best!

After grabbing your grande iced caramel macchiato with an extra shot, you rush back to your apartment to get started.

However, as soon as you log in to your page to begin writing, it hits you.

You've only tried two of the Fall flavors. Therefore, that idea is out.

Now you're back where you started.

You look around the room for something that will inspire you.

A picture of your best friend? No, you wrote about her last week. Your cat? No, she doesn't do much other than eat, sleep and meow at 3 a.m.

You could rant about the homework that you're supposed to be doing, but that might not be the most productive way to spend your time.

You remember the times when creative ideas seemed to flow from your head to your keyboard with ease, and you wish you hadn't taken those times for granted.

You envy those who can write three articles a week when you're struggling to pop out one good article.

You realize that staring at a blank screen isn't helping, so you go for a walk to clear your head.

You take note of the weather conditions: Partly cloudy, hot with a touch of humidity.

You walk around campus looking for inspiration, but instead you find a swarm of mosquitoes ready to eat you for an afternoon snack.

To prevent yourself from becoming a bug buffet, you go back home and decide on your go-to option for inspiration: Browsing through Odyssey articles.

You read through the top three, the relationship section, the health section and the college section.

No matter how many articles you look through, nothing seems to click.

Tired, antsy and frustrated, you log back in to your page and stare at a blank screen once again.

You begin venting your frustrations on the creation page about how you can't come up with an article.

Then, looking at the screen, it hits you: You just did.

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