18. The Gateway Arch in St. Louis | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things To Do In Missouri This Summer ​

Enjoy the world around you; Missouri edition.

20 Things To Do In Missouri This Summer ​
Photo by Deborah Raney on Unsplash

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Missouri is absolutely beautiful.

1. Fantastic Caverns in Springfield

Screenshot from @mostateglobal on Instagram

Go on an hour-long tram ride on a path left by an underground river. Bring a jacket because the cave is normally around 60 degrees. Good family fun that's not too expensive, $28 for adults, children 6-12 $17, 5-below free.

2. Eros Bendato in St. Louis

Screenshots from @visumtemporis on Instagram

This head belongs to Eros, the Greek god of love and desire. This sculpture is suppose to represent opposing views of if civilization is broken beyond repair or if it's being held together despite the worlds destructive powers. You can climb inside the toppled head and peak out of the eyes for a good photo.

3. Turtle Playground in St. Louis

Screenshots from @subinraju28 on Instagram

An unconventional play park, with a day full of fun climbing amongst reptiles.

4. Spooklight in Joplin

Screenshots from @andremoreira_97 @christy_kay___ on Instagram

A crazy midwest phenomenon. The story goes that a light will come straight down the road towards you and will even get in your car. If you're up for an interesting night this is the spot for you.

5. Keesler Park in Kansas City

Screenshots from @w0lfprud3 @__emiliyooo @christykeeling on Instagram

A nice public space that the people of Kansas City have made their own. Go explore what has been left behind.

6. Lost Canyon Cave in Ridgedale

Screenshots from @stephlpotography @absolutelyridoglous @lliwolg @carrielynnagee on Instagram

Spend the afternoon driving a golf cart through the lost caves in Ridgedale. Stop for a drink before you start your journey of waterfalls, look-outs, table rocks, and caves. Every way you look on this ride is a picture perfect moment.

7. Cave Vineyard in Ste. Genevieve

Screenshot from @sommeligay on Instagram

Enjoy a glass of wine, or numerous tastings, inside this awesome cave lookout. Remember to bring a jacket because the caves are cold!

8. O'Malley's Pub in Weston

Screenshots from @themadysonsmith @estevesjunior on Instagram

This fun little pub is located 50 feet below ground! An old prohibition place turned cool destination spot for any bar enthusiast.

9. Cementland in St. Louis

Screenshots from @_knitten_ @tibbs29 @annie_redden on Instagram

Is an incomplete public art exhibit on a 54 acre site of a former cement factory north of Kansas City.

10. The American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog in St. Louis

Screenshots from @kathryns.camera @carillo.gina @silastheservicedog_ on Instagram

The ultimate place for dog lovers! The space is packed full of information about all the dog breeds, from paintings to fossils, they doggone have it all!

11. Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis

Screenshots from @ satori.rd @the_curious_gardener_ @mobotgarden @kylelanghurst @pics_by_skinner on Instagram

Enjoy the day walking around the botanical garden taking in hundreds of species of plants and the landscape around you. This is a great place to do proposals, weddings, and family picnics.

12. Forest Park in St. Louis

Screenshots from @philipkchu @itsjasonkyle on Instagram

This 1,326 acre park held the 1904 summer olympics, is one of the most popular civic centers in Missouri with endless good views.

13. Laumeier Sculpture Park in St. Louis

Screenshot from @brandiquintos @ascjvocations @tripsavvy @westlmstlouis @vaughntastic on Instagram

If you're in the mood to walk around and look at some interesting art this is the place for you. They are constantly adding new sculptures and exhibits for everyone to enjoy.

14. The Shepherd of the Hills in Branson

Screenshots from @tomvarner @visittablerocklake on Instagram

Have fun zip-lining over the gorgeous Branson treetops. You can go four at a time from the tower or go by yourself through numerous locations. To go on all 8 zip-lines is only $89 and is well worth the money for the amazing views.

15. Dogwood Canyon in Lampe

Screenshots from @alttennyson @dogwood_canyon @kokowiese @lovespringfield on Instagram

Dogwood canyon is the epitome of a hidden gem, with multiple waterfalls, trails, and relaxing places to rest along the way. Spend the day fishing, hiking, biking, taking a tram tour, horseback riding, or segwaying around the park. An entry fee of $15 to go into the park, and you can add these fun things as you please.

16. Promise Land Zoo in Eagle Rock 

Screenshots from @lristinamae26 @laff.ryan @brookeannarae @e_who_must_not_be_named @sarahhhzimm_ on Instagram

A drive-thru zoo is full of all different types of animals. Have fun holding, feeding, and viewing all these animals up-close and personal. Be sure to snap a few pictures of all the animals around you!

17. Fritz's Adventures in Branson

Screenshots from @blondeandambitiousblog @nwawoolley on Instagram

One of the most thrilling spots in Missouri, where you can indoor skydive, climb up different surfaces, and cool obstacle courses. It's almost too much to do in one day! Access to all of these things is only $30!

18. The Gateway Arch in St. Louis

Screenshot from @bandit3_ on Instagram

Go visit what Missouri is known for, the gateway to the west. You can see the arch from almost anywhere in St. Louis, but up close is definitely hard to beat.

19. Ha Ha Tonka State Park in Lake of the Ozarks

Screenshots from @esteraada @larrythephotographer @wanderluster1087 @devodare_chicago on Instagram

One of the best hiking spots in Missouri, completely free, on 3,700 acres. It has lots structures on the plot to explore, and is a great place to come back to many times to take it all in.

20. Heartland Harvest Garden in Kansas City

Screenshots from @powellgardens on Instagram

Very similar to a botanical garden, but full of beautiful vegetation that is edible! This farm tells a story of where our food comes from and how you can be a part of it. You should come back seasonally to see what's growing in their garden. A fun and educational outing for the whole family.

If you're from Missouri these are a few hidden gems that will brighten your day to explore. If you're coming to visit these are some can't miss things to make your trip memorable.

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