It's exciting to include your pets in holidays, such as Halloween and Christmas, and have them dress up in little costumes that fit the occasion. But, what if I told you there was a special day dedicated to dressing up your pets? January 14 is "National Dress Up Your Pet Day," a cute little holiday to dress up your pet, whether it's your dog, cat, or a unique pet. Also, please remember that if you do choose to participate, make sure your pet is comfortable and reward them with lots of treats!
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LifestyleJan 14, 2021
National Pet Day Is Just Another Excuse To Make It Socially Acceptable To Dress Up Our Dogs
Like we're all not going to take advantage of this day.

Photo by Elias Castillo on Unsplash
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One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone does not try to help their self before asking others. How can someone else be expected to help you if you do not first do that yourself? I'm all about helping those that need it when the time comes, however whenever someone does not even attempt to help him or herself first then that becomes a huge problem. As we all have learned, people tend to take advantage of us in one way or another. I am sure we all read this short story when we were younger and it follows that same principle:
"If you give a mouse a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk.
When you give him the milk, he'll probably ask you for a straw.
When he's finished, he'll ask you for a napkin.
Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn't have a milk mustache.
When he looks in the mirror, he might notice his hair needs a trim.
So he'll probably ask for a pair of nail scissors.
When he's finished giving himself a trim, he'll want a broom to sweep it up.
He'll start sweeping.
He might get carried away and sweep every room in the house.
He may even end up washing the floors as well!
When he's done, he'll probably want to take a nap.
You'll have to fix up a little box for him with a blanket and a pillow.
He'll crawl in, make himself comfortable and fluff the pillow a few times.
He'll probably ask you to read him a story.
So you'll read to him from one of your books, and he'll ask to see the pictures.
When he looks at the pictures, he'll get so excited he'll want to sign his name with a pen.
Then he'll want to hang his picture on your refrigerator.
Which means he'll need Scotch tape.
He'll hang up his drawing and stand back to look at it.
Looking at the refrigerator will remind him that he's thirsty.
So... he'll ask for a glass of milk.
And chances are if he asks you for a glass of milk, he's going to want a cookie to go with it."
When we were very young, there was a time when this book entertained and made us laugh; we did not think anything else of it. However, this short story offers a life-long lesson: Do not set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
Looking back on things, there have been so many times where people just wanted to take advantage of me. For instance, as I was going through high school I was fairly smart/nerdy and athletic (which is not a common mixture). If someone needed help with school work they would often come to me. I would help them and most of the time they would not even try to help themselves. I was giving them a cookie and they were just coming back for milk.
This happens to be the case at college during finals week as well. Those people that never come to the library start going and ask anyone and everyone for help. Of course, some people just need help here and there, but when you wait the entire semester to start asking for help its your own fault.
Like I said, I'm all for helping someone, but when it comes to not even helping yourself that's a problem.
To sum things up, if you give somebody an inch, they're going to take a mile; it's human nature.
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If you were born between September 23rd - October 22nd, then you are a Libra. Let's be real, Libras are the best because you are the perfect balance of all things in life. Some may find this boring, but they don't know anything about what it means to be all things at once. As Libras, we hold much on our shoulders that no one can understand. These are traits you know to be true if you are a Libra:
1. You love being around people.
2. You are incredibly indecisive.
3. You are always able to see both sides of a story.
4. You do not trust easily.
5. And because of that, once someone breaks that trust you will never trust them again.
6. You are very sentimental.
7. You are great at guessing the character of another.
8. You are often detached from people.
9. You often don't believe in yourself.
10. You love to travel.
11. You are a giant flirt.
13. You keep many thoughts to yourself because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings.
14. You are okay with being alone.
15. You don't like to be controlled.
16. You love to inspire people.
17. You are more aggressive than people think.
18. You will do anything to make others happy.
19. Music is the only thing that soothes you.
20. You are very picky.
21. You talk to yourself a lot.
22. You either talk a ton, or not at all.
23. You will hold a grudge till the day you die.
24. You love to be around kids.
25. You are quick to fall in love.
26. You don't like others knowing how you feel.
27. You want to believe the best in everyone.
28. The happiness of others makes you happy.
29. You love to research and are drawn to strange things.
30. You have only a few close friends.
31. You are nice to everyone you meet.
32. You are independent.
33. People do not want to make you angry.
34. You have a great memory.
35. You are kind of lazy.
36. You are the most sarcastic person you know.
37. You are known to speak up for people who can't stick up for themselves.
38. You are a creative, free-spirit.
39. You are fun, but firm.
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12 Types Of Drunk Girls You'll See In Every Friend Group
"Getting drunk with your best friends is an experience in and of itself. It takes us on wild and ridiculous adventures with the people we trust with our lives."
Cloud Front
Getting drunk with your best friends is an experience in and of itself. It takes us on wild and ridiculous adventures with the people we trust with our lives. Each one of you plays a vital role in making sure the night goes (relatively) smoothly.
The Mother Hen
She always has snacks and keeps tabs on everyone's water intake. If you ever lose her, she's probably comforting a crying stranger in line for the bathroom. She makes sure everyone gets home safely and has no problems asking a dude for his address and mother's maiden name before he's allowed to take her friend home in an Uber.
The Instigator
She's the reason everyone is out drinking in the first place. She's usually the one who handles her liquor best (from practice) and she's often found urging everyone to just have one (or four) more drink(s).
The One Who Always Texts Her Ex
Having just gotten out of a relationship, she's still terribly heartbroken, but is putting on a brave face. She's definitely not in the best "going out" state of mind, but keeps it together...until the booze hits. As soon as the liquid courage sets in, she's got her fingers glued to her cell phone sending texts she's sure to regret in the morning.
The Shakira
Giving ABBA's "Dancing Queen" a literal meaning, she somehow manages to find a dance floor even where there isn't a dance floor.
The Philosopher
The Philosopher can usually be seen sipping whiskey and analyzing everyone's choices. Be warned, if The Philosopher ever corners you she will attempt to play therapist and figure out where your issue with authority stems from. Do yourself a favor and run far away.
The Reluctant Homebody
This is SO not her scene, but tired of feeling like a buzzkill, she indulges her friends. She'd much rather be at home watching "The Office" for the 737,081,271th time on Netflix, but alas, here she is. Just don't expect her to be the life of the party. She's giving you as much as she possibly can. Be grateful she left the house.
The MMA Fighter
Ass Beat GIFfrom Ass GIFs
She's the firecracker that everyone is hoping doesn't accidentally set off. She will go all "Jersey Shore" smackdown on you if you look at her incorrectly. Keep an eye out for this one.
The "I'm Not Even Drunk!" Girl
Honey, yes you are. That's why you're shouting at us right now.
The Joey Tribbiani
Homegirl is always starving. By her second drink, she's already talking about what kind of pizza she plans to order when everyone is done for the night.
The Horny Toad
She isn't just thirsty, she's full on dehydrated. She will disappear from the group at some point and reemerge with a make out buddy.
The Aspiring Rapper
Under the false impression that alcohol turns her into Nicki Minaj, you can find this one loudly rapping along to every song played. Fully convinced she's nailing it, she'll make sure she gets her performance on Snapchat too...that is until she sees in the next day and hears she's more Iggy than Nicki. Ouch.
She loves everyone. Everyone is her best friend in the whole world and she's just so happy. Strangers aren't strangers, they're just new BFFs. "Can I tell you something? I love you so much" is her anthem. Everyone could use a good dose of The BFF and her joy.
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20 Times When The Kardashians Summed Up Your Finals Week
It's so rude that we have finals.
Finals week is so rude! So, there's no one better to explain it than the Kardashians themselves!
1. When you look at your finals schedule and become immediately overwhelmed:
2. When your professor says that the final is only going to be short answer questions:
3. When you text your parents to tell them that you're going to have a mental breakdown and drop out of college and they're just like:
4. When you're trying to study with friends, but then you realize that you haven't gotten anything done:
5. Then you just end up going on your phone.
6. When you're two weeks away from finals and your professor tells you that you should probably start studying now:
7. When you sit down to take your final and the first question hits you like:
8. When you start the practice problems and you're just like:
9. When you're in your final and find a question that you actually know the answer to:
10. When that one annoying kid in your class says that the final was super easy and they aced it:
11. When you come back from your 7:30 a.m. final and crash:
12. When your professor tries to teach you new material a week before the final:
13. When you decide to eat away the pain that is finals week by ordering massive amounts of food:
14. Filling out course evaluations for that one difficult professor like:
15. When it's right before your first final and you're just like:
16. When your professor tells that you the final is cumulative:
17. When the kid next to you keeps looking over at your test:
18. Looking back on the outfits that you wore during finals week like:
19. When it's been two hours and you've only gotten through five notecards:
20. When you finally make it to the end of the week:
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14 Types Of Customers In Fast Food
Working in fast-food brings a whole new meaning to customer service.
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While being home for break this week and picking up hours at work, I remember what it is like to in fast food. Although there are many aspects to the job, the customers are always number one priority. Anyone who works in fast food knows that you come across these types of customers AT LEAST once a day:
The slow customer
These are the customers that take ten years to decide what they want to eat. Then once they are ready to order, it takes another five for them to tell you what they want. Does it look like I have all day?
The speedy customer
Then there's the opposite. The customer who goes 100 MPH and you just try to enter everything into the register but end up staring at them like an idiot. And they usually find their sense of attitude when you ask them to repeat themselves.
The customer with the loud car
This one pertains to drive through. You can hear them screaming over the engine, but you can't actually hear what they're saying... And what do they do after you tell them it's hard to hear over the engine? Yell louder...
The customer with the munchies
Those people who come in 10 minutes before close and order the most random things. Nothing they order is in a good order and they make the job much more difficult.
The rude customer
Probably my least favorite. The customer that is extremely rude and has no concept of manners. Although it is my job, it would still be nice to have some human decency.
The "regular customer"
These are the customers who come in on a regular basis and just make your shift easier to get through all around. They know what they want and they know how to order it. They usually know your name, and you actually look forward to seeing them.
The know-it-all customer
Keep Saying Shit Like That And You'Re Gonna Get Punched - Cameron Diaz In Bad Teacher GIFfrom Punched GIFs
The one who asks for their cup before you get a chance to breathe. They constantly try reminding you how to do your job. It takes all the power in the world to not tell them to come do it themselves.
The funny customer
The customer that is constantly making jokes and you just laugh along to be polite, but in reality it's insanely awkward.
The creepy customer
Some customers are old men and try asking for phone numbers... my response has always been i'm under 18.. even if it's not true anymore, it works.
The HELLO customer
The customer that comes through drive through screaming "HELLO?! ARE YOU THERE?!" Yes. I am here... but no I can no longer hear, thank you.
Right-at-home customer
They come in and sit in the lobby for at least two hours, sometimes more, and just read or play on their phones. I guess we all need some "me time", but let's not do it while I'm trying to close the lobby...
The inquisitive customer
The one who asks what comes on almost every sandwich on the menu, then orders a plain burger or classic sandwich... What was the point? Honestly.
The coupon customer
When you realize it's a new coupon and you have to do the math yourself.
The perfect customer
The customer that knows exactly what they want, orders it in chronological order, AND knows how to use their manners. It's a rare occurrence, but boy do they know how to turn a day around.
So the next time you're in a fast food restaurant, try to be customer #14, people don't realize that without somebody behind the counter, you wouldn't be getting the food.
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