10 Different Types Of Men You Meet In College | The Odyssey Online
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10 Different Types Of Men You Meet In College

The boys you will meet in college according to Panic! At The Disco's Brendon Urie gifd

10 Different Types Of Men You Meet In College

If you are a college student. you are bound to come across these types of men in your life. If you are not familiar with the video, you can watch that satirical re-enactment of how Fall Out Boy came to be.

1. The reassuring liar

There he is, talking with his mother on the phone. "Yeah classes great" and "No, I don't even think there are parties on this campus"

2. Mr. Commitment Issues

He calls you up, but only to make last minute plans. One minute, he seems totally in to you, and the next, he's all...

3. The musical theatre major

Never has time to hang out because he is either rehearsing for the musical, performing for the show, or getting ready for next springs show.

4. The f**kboy

He's on all the latest "dating apps", and is far too invested in hook-up culture to respect a woman. This guy will do anything to get you to "Netflix and chill".

5. The "How did you even get into this school?" boy

He's incredibly terrible at math, and if you get stuck doing a group project with him, assume that you will be doing all the work.

6. The Hipster

He's way too school for cool. This guy is the one that is always talking too much- interrupting you to tell you how much more he knows about a subject than you do. And he is... well... trying to find the art in everything.

7. The closeted gay

Maybe he grew up in a conservative home, or maybe he was raised Mormon, but he swears that he is "totally into chicks". Whatever it is, he is hiding his feelings of having feelings for another guy.

8. The dropout

He's way into music and wants to start his own band. He pitches his own idea for a new club on campus, too.

9. The clueless

The gif says it all. He has no idea what is going on in his life right now. Forget choosing a major, he still has clothes in the laundry from yesterday, he doesn't know the day of the week, in fact, he might not know what month it is, because he walks into the snow wearing only shorts and sandals.

10. The frat boy

This gif describes it all. The new pledge who drank to much, and din;t remeber that he showered himself in beer two minutes ago. #PARTYFOUL

All gifs were made during the epic filming of Drunk History of Fall out Boy, performed (and dranken) by the the number 1 top rock-and-roll bands' only member; Brendon Urie.

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