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Student Life

11 Ways To Decompress From The Constant Stress Of College

Are you stressed? Are you in college? Well, that answers the question.

11 Ways To Decompress From The Constant Stress Of College

Sitting in the MLB, the worst building on the University of Michigan campus, I was thinking of the million oR so things I had to do for the rest of the day. My heart rate went from calm to stressed. It was then that I realized that I am the one causing my own stress through procrastination and constant prior commitments. I rarely let myself have time to relax or even allow myself time to think about relaxing. But it does not have to be like that. There are so many ways to decompress from the stresses of college and life.

1. Take a nap


We all need to catch up on those Zzzs. Take a power nap, but only if you are the type of person who does not wake up more tired after the nap.

2. Treat yourself


I'm not talking a full on shopping spree. We are all broke college students. I'm talking treating yourself by going out to lunch at your favorite spot on campus or buying yourself that coffee you REALLY need after not sleeping a full night. Go ahead an buy yourself that Chipotle. You deserve it.

3. Watch your favorite TV show or movie


Watch your tenth episode of the day of Grey's. It's okay. Sometimes binge-watching Netflix is a necessary mental health break. I support it.

4. Take a break


However you define a break, not going out, going to bed way earlier than normal, just removing yourself from a situation for a few days or longer, take it. Take a break when you're mentally exhausted from writing papers and studying for exams. Even if its only a few hours.

5. Leave your college campus and explore a new town or city nearby


One of the best ways in my opinion to decompress. Some of my favorite memories are when my friends and I would go to the outskirts of Ann Arbor to do our food shopping or just go to the mall. This can also include going to nearby cities and towns :)

6. Clean


I find cleaning therapeutic. Not sure if anyone else feels this way, but cleaning up my room and making it spotless makes me feel like I have my life together. Plus when my room is messy, it is just a constant reminder of the extension of the stress of school.

7. Call your mom or dad or someone you love


Call your family. They miss you. A lot. Also they will help you and support you with whatever stress you have in your life. Trust me. Plus they are always your number one supporters. If not, call someone you love and car about.

8.Watch excessive amounts of Tasty videos that you will never even try to make

There is just something so satisfying about watching food being made in videos at high speed. One of my favorite ways to take a break from school. Also includes food, which is always a plus.

9. Color 


Coloring is really satisfying. Especially finishing one of those coloring pages with all the sections corresponding to a certain colored pencil. This is satisfying and helps you decompress.

10. Write


Writing is the used by most to inform others, but you can write to inform yourself. I feel like journaling and writing my thoughts and feelings whether good or bad, helps me understand why I am feeling this way at the current moment. This also let's you have a actual document to look back on and reflect upon in your future.

11. Exercise


Exercising releases good endorphins which make you feel happier. By exercising you also are improving your health too and relieving stress at the same time!

These are a few of my favorite ways to decompress from the stress of college.

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