Dear Little Sister
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Dear Little Sister

Everything You Want Your Younger Siblings To Know

Dear Little Sister
Daily Mail

Dear Little Sister,

I remember holding your little hands when walking to the car after your first day of kindergarten. I remember practicing kicking the soccer ball out front because you had your first game the following weekend. I remember when you would pretend to be my student while I was acting like a teacher, but you didn’t know how to write yet so you’d scribble little adventures onto the page. I remember sitting in your room to calm you down whenever kids at school were being mean. I remember having dance parties to the Hannah Montana and High School Musical soundtracks.

I remember everything.

Being your big sister, I’m lucky enough to serve as a role model, without having to parent you. I get to see you grow up from a different perspective than mom and dad have. I get to know your secrets and identify with your emotions. I get to stand up for you when our parents are parenting, and even if that involves me getting yelled at, I’d rather take the fall for whatever silly thing you did, than watch you have to. You’re always going to be my little mini me. I’m forever going to see you as the Pillsbury Dough Baby that you were. But you see, there’s something more than all of this, that I hope you remember about me.

I want you to remember your big sis as the girl who worked hard for everything she had. I want you to remember me as the progressive, accepting, and encouraging person that I’ve tried to teach you to become. I want you to recall me correcting you on ugly phrases and words that young teenagers throw around so easily without realizing the context behind them. I want you to mimic my compassion in protecting others and speaking for others. I want you to see humans as humans, understand ethnicities and the history behind them all, and eliminate the notion from your mind that any man is obligated to provide for you in your future. I want you to remember to be responsible. I want you to be independent as hell and take crap from no one. I want you to remember than no matter where we go in life, I would meet you anywhere if you needed something as small as a hug.

Now listen carefully, because I am setting some goals for your future and you MUST ABIDE BY THEM AT ALL COSTS.

Be and do whatever you want in life, so long as you’re being the best version of yourself. Do not settle on being satisfactory, I want you to feel overwhelming happiness and joy and life as much as you can while living on this little speck of a planet. Be you, be great.

Be an activist. You are only a few years younger than myself, but you are the future. I want you to know that you need to speak up for others and the civil rights and liberties that they DESERVE, do not simply let others speak on your behalf. Do only not BE a shadow, or a like, or a retweet for a post supporting the idea of woman’s rights or the injustice to people whose’ skin doesn’t resemble printer paper. BE the voice, BE the body, BE the mind, BE the action who is present for the atrocities and does not shy away from evil. Be a decent human being.

Be love. Love is not limited to your family or to your friends. Love everyone and anyone, even the ones who seem like they do not deserve the love---those people need it most.

N e v e r, I repeat, NEVER, let a man tell you that you are less than him. This will come in the form of job positions, dates you turn down, schools you get accepted into, successes you meet in general. No one can tell you what you are possible of. Go kick their asses baby sis.

Don’t forget where you came from, or who helped to raise you. I want to be selfish, and tell you to be just like me, but obviously I am not, nor ever will be perfect---so be better.

I remember reading a note you wrote that talked about how much you loved me, I just want you to know that I love you too. I love you more, and I cannot wait to watch you grow into the amazing woman that I know is within you.


Your Big Sister

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