When You're Dating A Musician
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When You're Dating A Musician

Their Dream Of Music Comes Before Anything Else, And That's What You Love About Them

When You're Dating A Musician

Every teenage girl dreams of dating a famous celebrity at some point or another. Whether it's a musician or an actor. I never did date anyone famous -- however, I did get to achieve my dream of dating a musician, and here's what it was like.

1. Everything Becomes An Instrument

Pots and pans become drums while cooking dinner together. Cleaning and bringing out water bottles becomes blowing over the open top to produce a sound. Anything metal or wooden and hollow inside can be and will be used as an instrument when you’re dating a musician.

2. Road Trips

Chances are your significant other’s dream is already to travel the world on tour one day. Road trips are a natural part of their life and they will always be down for an adventure, like bringing some bongo drums to the beach for the evening of jamming out with friends.

3. The Band Game

It’s questionable to ask if you’re really dating a musician if you and his friends haven’t all played the Band Game at least once while hanging out together. The Band Game is a game where a group of friends take turns saying the name of a band or artist that has a first letter beginning with the same last letter of the band or artist previously mentioned.

4. Makeshift Studios

When you date a musician, you will find an endless supply of studio foam in both their car and in their house due to the makeshift studios they have tried to build for recording their music overtime. Pro: studio foam is super squishy and it’s a good pillow for cuddling. (At least when it isn’t years old and falling apart everywhere).

5. Music Vocabulary

Huh? Are you lost? Me too. Chances are your musical lover and their friends will use a lot of musical terms in their conversations. Don’t worry, you’ll catch on eventually. (Or at least you can hope.)

6. Instruments. Everywhere.

When you’re dating a musician, you will learn to see a different instrument every time you’re together. Their trunk or backseat will often be full of sound equipment or guitars and mic stands from recent gigs. Their basement will turn into a jam safe place. Their living room couch will be covered with different guitars of all colors and sizes, and you’ll have to remove at least six of them before you can clear a spot to sit yourself. But it’s okay, you’ll admire all of the guitars anyways and you’ll really just be jealous that you don’t know how to play any of them.

7. You Understand Their Music Comes First

Their dream for music comes before anything else, and that’s what you love about them. They are passionate and dedicated. You’ll support them through all of their gigs and projects because seeing them succeed and be happy makes you just as happy, if not a hundred times more happy.

8. Being Their Number One Fan

In addition to the prior point, you will also become their number one fan. You’ll be in the first row at every gig they perform in and you’ll be their number one cheerleader in the audience. You’ll fill up with warmth and pride inside every time someone says how great and talented your significant other is. You’ll say, “That’s my girl/guy!” and you won’t be able to stop smiling.

9. Parties

Every time your significant other has a gig, you’ll always be on the VIP list for the after party, but chances are that the after party will just be another jam session with them and their friends. Even when there isn’t a gig to be celebrated, chances are you and your significant other’s group of friends will often find yourselves jamming inside or checking out new music together on a Saturday night instead of going to some crazy party.

10. Listening

You’ll always find yourself listening to them. You’ll listen to them for hours on end and you’ll wonder how someone could have as much talent as them. Even when you’re not with them, you’ll find yourself on their Soundcloud or Youtube account listening to their songs over and over again. You discover that some of their songs are actually really catchy, and not just because you’re in love with the singer or guitarist in the song, but because it’s actually a genuinely interesting song.

11. Lyrics

When you listen to their songs, you’ll hear bits and pieces that sound familiar or relatable, just like you would with any song. The difference is, you know the person behind the creation of this song. You will start to wonder.

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