5 Comments You'll Want To Avoid Saying To Young Mothers If You Don't Want To Piss Them Off
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5 Comments You'll Want To Avoid Saying To Young Mothers If You Don't Want To Piss Them Off

3. "Your life is over."

5 Comments You'll Want To Avoid Saying To Young Mothers If You Don't Want To Piss Them Off

If you're a young mom, you understand that motherhood is one of the toughest jobs you'll ever have without any pay. Not only is it difficult emotionally, but it is also sometimes physically compromising. With the limited sleep, the long hours trying to lull your baby to dreamland, and the constant feedings, the social life you had beforehand is pretty much gone. Especially in the newborn stages. However, every good mom would agree that it's all worth it.

The smiles, the giggles, and the lovely baby smell gets you through the tough nights. The snuggles and the iron-fist grip on your finger by a chubby hand remind you that this little one is depending on you to show him/her the ways of the world. The love you have for your child is indescribable and you would do anything for them.

This includes not taking unsolicited advice from meddling family members and friends and ignoring anyone that tries to tell you how to do your job. Not only that, it's infuriating hearing comments on young motherhood when you didn't ask for them. Most of the time, it's from people who have no clue what it's like and us young moms don't need any judgment when we're doing perfectly fine.

Since younger mothers receive these the most, this article is for us. Here are the top five comments that get under my skin, but also make me laugh and shake my head.

1. "Why didn't you wait?"

When people decide to have children is no one else's business but their own, point blank. If you're commenting, you're either jealous that you waited too long or assuming that everyone wants to live their life the same as you. The first is your own fault and the second is incredibly ignorant. If I don't care enough to say anything about what you're doing, then why are you so curious and intrusive on what I'm doing? That sounds like a one-way interaction, which is awfully pathetic.

And hey, if I wanted to wait and life had other plans, that's my business too. Noticing a theme here?

2. "Lol birth control exists you know."

YOU'RE KIDDING ME. I have never heard of it! Tell me everything! What's the success rate? It's 100% right?

Oh, so you're telling me it's not effective every single time?

Yeah, thought so. Shut up.

3. "Your life is over."

I'm still alive, last time I checked my pulse.

In one way, you're right. My life before kids is over. Now, I have a new one. True, it's not always rainbows and sunflowers. But, I cannot wait to go to a sunflower patch with my daughter and watch her face light up as she touches the petals. I don't think I'll be able to contain my joy seeing my child experience things in life that I've done a million times before without thinking.

Now those things take on a whole new meaning. The little things in life will be fun again, and it kinda sucks that you don't know what that's like. I feel for you, honey.

4. "My kid will never do that."

Guys! Call Fox News. I have someone who can see the future.

Where's your crystal ball? You're on in 5!

You think so darling, but desperate times call for desperate measures and situations get sticky. If I have to give my daughter some fruit puffs in the car before dinnertime, it's probably because I can't drive well with a screaming baby in the backseat. C'mon Carol, safety first. But hey, since you are so confident in your parenting skills, which is weird because you aren't one, I'll hit you up for tips. Maybe you should write a book. I'll wait in line for a signing.

5. "When are you gonna have the next one?"

You know what, I'll keep you updated. I'll send you my period cycle schedule along with a complete list of every future event that has yet to come up, including income and one of my man's rare days off. We'll plan together. Actually, never ask me that again.

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