25 Thoughts That College Students Have
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25 Thoughts That College Students Have In Their Science Classes, Especially At Stony Brook University

Don't worry, you're probably not the only one thinking about what's for lunch as your professor blabs on about Avagadro's Number.


Every day that I sit in chemistry or biology, I have a million thoughts running through my head about how challenging the material is or even what I'm going to do later that night. I always witnessed other students bored out of their minds playing games or Netflix on their computers during class and would overhear conversations about how the subject is extremely confusing and difficult to grasp. I began to feel a sense of comfort knowing that I'm not the only one completely lost or incredibly bored, but I wanted to take it a step further by going on social media and asking Stony Brook students what they thought about during their science classes.

What do I want to eat later?

Does what the professor is saying actually have to do with the class?

I think I'm just stupid

I'm never getting into medical school

Can I drop out?

It's time to switch majors

I think everyone is equally as confused as I am... at least I hope they are

This is too much to remember

Is it almost time to go?

 I can't wait to graduate already

 How did everyone get 17,654 as their answer when I got 2?

 This seems a little too easy... it's definitely a trick

 Why do I even show up to this class?

 I'm going to fail this test

 This is nothing like high school

 Oh shoot, what did the professor say? I zoned out

 I'm never going to need this information in real life

 How did I even get into this college?

 Wow... I should've gotten more sleep

 I totally don't get this, but there's no way I'm raising my hand

 Wait... I actually get this!

 I hope this isn't going to be on the test, but it definitely will be

 What grade do I need to just pass this midterm?

 I have so much work to do

 Wait... what?

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