The College Roommate Contract
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The College Roommate Contract

Just because you're out of the dorms doesn't mean you're done with roommates.

The College Roommate Contract

We all remember freshman year of college. The very first week involved orientations, registrations, and repetitive encounters where everyone asked “Where are you from?" and “What's your major?" This first week also involved moving into a new space with a brand new person you are expected to live with for the next two semesters. Maybe you talked over Facebook during the summer and maybe you annoyingly color coordinated your room as seen on Pinterest, but you haven't lived with this person before. In order to ease this awkwardness the school asks you to collaborate and fill out a roommate contract that clearly states that if the roommate breaches these agreements then RA's and housing faculty will intervene. These contracts work for the most part which makes me wonder, why don't we always have roommate contracts in college?

So with this in mind, I have detailed out a thorough and realistic roommate contract for modern college students to go through with their future roommates. Feel free to adjust these guidelines as they pertain to your personal needs, but just remember that this is a binding legal contract you are signing. That's not true at all, but still just read the thing.

1. If you turn it on, turn it off.

I don't know if this is new knowledge to some people, but electric bills are expensive. Yeah sure those string lights over your bed are adorable and Pinterest worthy, but they don't need to be left on 24/7. Turn them on when you are playing your hipster record player and crafting, otherwise natural light should suffice.

2. My closet is not a sample sale.

I understand not wanting to waste precious college money on a one-time outfit for a themed party, but you better believe we are gonna have trouble if my onesie goes missing.

3. Hide your junk food.

Temptation is the worst sabotage of a healthy lifestyle, and college stress equals snacking. When it's 2 a.m. and I'm still studying cravings will happen. When you are wondering the next day where your Double Stuffed Oreos went, the answer is my stomach. Because I ate them.

4. If you are gonna cook like an Iron Chef, you better clean up like a Food Network intern.

It doesn't bother me if you get inspired after watching "Chopped" and want to challenge yourself to cook a meal in 20 minutes out of Cheetos, green apples, Taco seasoning, and Ramen. However, if our kitchen looks like a tornado swiped through it and I don't have any pans left to cook with, then you are either paying for my takeout or sharing your weird dinner.

5. No passive-aggressive sticky notes left on the fridge.

If you are having trouble with me as a roommate, then speak with me face-to-face and we will discuss the trouble. What doesn't help is avoiding eye contact with me all week and then finally loosing it when I ask if we are out of toilet paper.

6. Keep your crazy fads personal.

Sure we are all going to try juicing and hot yoga at least once in college, but try to avoid letting those health kicks dictate the operations of the house. Maybe I will want to tag along to Zumba classes once in a while, but for the sake of our friendship you should lower your expectations of my health regime. It is very minimal. Nama-stay in bed.

7. Meet the parents doesn't just apply to couples.

There needs to be a mutual effort by all roommates to ensure that any visit from a parent leaves them impressed and assured that their child is having good clean fun in college. This means that extracurricular reminders need to be disposed of, if you know what I mean.

8. Support group.

If you're a bird, then I'm a bird. Life can get stressful and it helps to know someone is there for you, even if it's just to purge on food and watch The Notebook. Roommates need to be those friends that see you at your darkest times and hold no judgement over it. They are the people that see you at your best moments, worst moments, and likely your most embarrassing ones. The most important thing is to remember that you are not only sharing a house together but you are creating memories.

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