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If 11 College Majors Had Their Own Khalid Lyric

"Everybody two-step in the motherf*cker."

If 11 College Majors Had Their Own Khalid Lyric

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It's no secret that Khalid has come through the woodwork as one of the most popular artists of today.

With his debut album "American Teen" dropping in 2017, his popularity has soared since then. Having released several singles since, Khalid has truly found his place and stood his ground in music culture today.

I took some time and found 11 lyrics from any of his songs that relate to some of the most popular college majors today.

1. Journalism

"Travelling where the wind will take
That might be from place to place"
-"Let's Go"

2. Psychology

" 'Cause there's something that you're doing, has me falling all the way
I'm tripping off your love and all the other drugs we taking
Over all the others, you're the one all over me
I need your therapy, need your therapy"

3. Communications

"Send me your location
Let's focus on communicating
'Cause I just need the time and place to come through"

4. Engineering

"I'm tryna be the best on every song you see me on
And I'm grindin' to the T-O-P
You know I spit dope
Hope you don't O.D."
-"Go Crazy"

5. Music

"I must be honest, I have a lot of pride
But I'm broken inside"
-"Another Sad Love Song"

6. Education

"I don't mean to come off aggressive (no)
I'm just here to pass off the message (yeah)"

7. Biology/Pre-Med

"Keep me alive
Keep me alive
Keep me alive
Keep me alive
Keep me alive
Keep me alive
-"Keep Me"

8. Fashion Merchandising

"Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years"

9. Criminology

"All I hear is PAP-PAP-PAP
Blood on his jeans, they made a crease
What's the reason to be grievin'
People dying every week"
-"Go Crazy"

10. Political Science

"My youth is the foundation of me
Oh, I'm proud to be American"
-"American Teen"

11. Accounting

"Cold blooded, cold blooded"
-"Cold Blooded"

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10 Signs You Work In A Restaurant

There's always chaos in the restaurant business.

10 Signs You Work In A Restaurant

Working in the restaurant industry is possibly the most fundamentally challenging occupation I have ever experienced when it comes to hospitality and customer service. When you go to a five-star restaurant you expect the time of your life, a two hour getaway, a walk through another time period (rustic Italy, France, Spain, etc), or simply a honeymoon undergo. What you don't see are the behind the scenes scut work: carrying trays, polishing glassware and silverware, kitchen chaos, the list is endless. Now, I'm not saying being a host, server, or bartender is the worst thing in the whole wide world, there are definitely worse things. But the fact of the matter is that it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. In the two years that I have spent in restaurant and customer service, I have spoken my share of expletives, yelled at kitchen staff, and dealt with not-so-happy guests. It isn't easy to keep a bright and shiny smile on your face when all you want to do is choke every person who walks near you. Anyone who has spent even two weeks working in a restaurant understands the rigor and stress that comes with it. Restaurant culture is a tiny world in and of itself that operates on its own principles and creates its own society. It even has its own language. The sayings "runner", "corner", and "on a bus" wouldn't make sense to anyone otherwise. My mother and I both work in a restaurant and the best advice I can give someone going out to eat is to treat us like people. Yes...believe it or not we are people, people. Say "please" and "thank you", or stack your cleared plates before a busser gets to the table. Trust me, the gesture goes a lot farther than you may think.

So, if you work in a restaurant, you can relate with the following points. If not, check out how the brain of a restaurant service (or any customer service) worker actually works. See if you can identify any crazy weird habits your friends have a tendency to partake in.

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