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Christmas Is Coming And Every Female College Frosh Is Putting These 15 Things On Her List

Here's what the typical college girl would love to be gifted on Christmas.

Christmas Is Coming And Every Female College Frosh Is Putting These 15 Things On Her List

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After the end of fall semester, you've probably realized you are in need of a few things that you didn't have before. Christmas is a perfect time to get those necessities (without having the pay for them yourself).

1. Keurig

If you have yet to discover, coffee is your new best friend in college. Having a Keurig in your own dorm room makes your favorite wake-up juice so much more readily available, and will help you feel less guilty when you go for your fourth cup.

2. K-Cups

With your brand spankin' new Keurig, you're going to need some delightful little things called K-Cups. Stock up during the holidays, because they get expensive when you have to buy them yourself, and drinks always taste better when they've been purchased by someone else.

3. Wallflower fragrance plugs

Most dorms or sorority houses won't allow candles, but they do allow wallflower fragrance plugs. These wonderful, scented gifts from Bath & Body Works will surely get rid of that old pizza box smell drifting through your room, and they're so easy to use — you just plug them into the wall!

4. New pens or highlighters

If you're a stressed college girl, there's a big change that you've been on Pinterest and discovered journaling as a way of relaxation. In order to feed your new obsession, ask for a fresh set of brightly colored pens and highlighters.

5. Slippers

Whether it's too cold in your room or you don't want to put on shoes to go pick up your food delivery, slippers are a great thing to have lying around your room. And if you're having that kind of day, they can easily double as the shoes you wear to class.

6. A 32 or 64 ounce water bottle

One of the first things you learn in college is that it's really hard to drink water. You may not have the same kind of access to water that you do at home, or you are just tempted by the various sodas and sugary drinks available at the dining hall. Get yourself a big water bottle and challenge yourself to drink it, refill it, and then drink it again.

7. Sorority merchandise

You've probably joined a sorority and want every single item in existence that has your Greek letters on it. Christmas is a great time to receive hats, sweatshirts, jewelry, or room decor, and expand your ever-growing collection of Greek merch.

8. Room decor

You've definitely noticed by now that the white brick walls of your dorm room closely resemble that of a prison's. To make your new cell feel more like home, ask for some wall hangings or pictures to liven up the place.

9. Insulated mug

January — the worst month of the year. The joy of the holidays has ceased, and the fact that it's 20 degrees outside gives you very little motivation to go to your 8:30 class. But you can grab your new insulated mug filled with coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and hold it closely as you face the suffering and ugliness that lies outside.

10. Scrunchies

You've quickly learned to abandon all hope that you'll look nice for class. But maybe a colorful scrunchie in your hair will distract people from the deathly dark circles underneath your eyes?

11. Gift cards

The most common thing you hear about college kids is how broke we are, and I am hear to say that isn't necessarily 100% true. However, we definitely don't enjoy buying things with our own money, so gift cards make a great present to a selfish college student.

12. A massage

Having to take a five minute walk to class and sleeping in till noon can really take a toll on your body. A massage is the perfect way to release the stress of figuring out who you're taking to semi-formal or what you should wear to a party.

13. A new roommate

Maybe living with your roommate isn't all it's cracked up to be. She's too loud, stays up too late, and doesn't clean anything, so you've decided it's time to get a new one. If you ask Santa nicely, maybe he'll bring you one that does your homework for you.

14. A boyfriend

So you said you were going to put yourself out there this semester, and finally meet a guy who was worthy of your everlasting love. However, that didn't seem to work very well, so hopefully, on Christmas morning, there will be an engineering major standing at your front door with cookies and "Gilmore Girls" queued on Netflix.

15. Straight A's next semester

Even with that new planner and a different study plan, things didn't go your way this semester in the "grades" department. With a little Christmas spirit and the power of the Hallmark Channel, if you wish hard enough, hopefully, some holiday magic will make an appearance on your grade report next year.

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