Omarosa is picking him apart. | The Odyssey Online
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Donald Trump Is Screwed.

Like, so screwed.

Donald Trump Is Screwed.

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Donald Trump's Presidency is in jeopardy as Robert Mueller's Russia Probe inches ever closer towards the President.


Paul Manafort is guilty.

"Help me."

Paul Manafort was candidate Trump's campaign chairman and now he's a convicted felon. On Tuesday, Manafort was found guilty on 8 out of 18 counts of fraud with the rest of the charges being deemed a mistrial, as the jurors couldn't decide on a verdict.

This is terrible for Trump in a couple of ways. Trump has been supporting Manafort and slamming Robert Mueller, who had brought charges against him, for months. Clearly, Trump's support didn't save him and that revelation does not bode well for anyone in Trump's inner circle. This conviction also legitimizes the Russia Probe and proves that Mueller has the authority to prosecute.

Giuliani, just in general.

This is the kindest photo I could find.

Rudy Giuliani is Trump's new lawyer and he goes on news shows constantly. The problem is that he acts like a fumbling bumbling buffoon while he's talking about the possible impeachment of a sitting President. He admitted that Trump paid Cohen back for his hush payment to Stormy Daniels, which if true (see below), would be quite damning. Giuliani also coined the hilariously Orwellian phrase, "Truth isn't truth." He's flip-flopped, flop-sweated, and stumbled his way towards impeachment proceedings, all while looking like he couldn't tell stage left from the Alt-Right. (Ba-dum tss)

Omarosa is picking him apart.

One of the less kind photos I could find.

Omarosa is releasing a steady stream of tapes that discredit and attack Trump officials and has just released a book on her time in the White House and campaign. The public eye is where Donald Trump considers himself untouchable and she's slowly painting a picture of him in his own political blood. Omarosa released a tape of General John Kelly firing her in a way that she claims sounded threatening. After that, she released a tape of Trump's daughter-in-law, Lara, offering to pay Omarosa $15,000 a month to not speak ill of the President.

The biggest problem for Trump is that she's targeting his associates instead of him. If she continues to attack them, he will start to look power mad and surrounded by corruption.

Michael Cohen pleaded guilty.

I just found this photo in a trash can.

Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to 8 counts of campaign finance violations, fraud, and tax evasion. According to Cohen's lawyer, Cohen had testified that, "Donald Trump [had] directed him to commit a crime by making payments to two women for the principal purpose of influencing an election." He also claimed that Trump reimbursed him for the payments, making them "in-kind contributions" which would violate campaign contribution maximums. This would mean that either Cohen just committed perjury to attack his former client or that Donald Trump committed a federal crime.

Or in other words...

Trump is so screwed.

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