It’s not rare to come across someone that has divorced parents, but even though it’s accepted and known, people still treat us as if we are fragile or broken and damaged. And for a while, I felt as if I had something to prove as if I am not broken, or fragile, or damaged.
But, I am.
However, I am also strong, wise, and independent.
I am very cautious when getting close to other people. I feel like whenever things take a turn for the downside, people are just going to walk away and not care. I have built this wall around my heart because I’ve seen what it’s like to go through true emotional pain.
As much as I absolutely wanted what I thought was a perfect family, that was not going to happen. I thought that if I was a perfect kid, then our family could be perfect, too.
But life doesn’t work like that.
I have a real-world perspective of resilience. I realized that even if things don’t seem to work out for you in the beginning, that no matter what, you will be OK and that everything happens for a reason.
I am a realist of situations. I know that things change in life, and you have to be able to change with them.
I absolutely hate confrontation. I was always the one stuck in the middle of arguments. Even though my parents tried to leave us kids out of their problems, it was never effective because we are in the problem.
But now, I am always trying to look at the different perspective of things. I know that there are always multiple sides to every story and that communication is important in every relationship.
I like the feeling of being alone.
Even though I have siblings who were affected by this too, they were too busy going through the rebellious phase to worry about their little sister. And my parents were too worried about trying to get their own lives together.
I have a huge independence drive inside of me. I know that I can be alone and still get stuff done. Whether if that’s from watching my parents recreate their own lives on their own or not is still unclear.
But it doesn’t matter because I know that I can still accomplish anything with people or not.
I am extremely selfish in more ways than one. I know that my happiness in any relationship is the most important to me. I can love someone passionately, but I am still living my life and they are living theirs.
Even though I’m selfish, independent, a realist, and even hate confrontation, I know that with the right mindset you are capable of anything. And that love is something everyone deserves. Even if it doesn’t turn out to be with the one you thought.