4. "Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals" by Patricia Lockwood | The Odyssey Online
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5 Of The Best Poetry Chapbooks That Aren't 'Milk And Honey'

If you've only on read "Milk and Honey", check out these other great poetry books!

5 Of The Best Poetry Chapbooks That Aren't 'Milk And Honey'

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Rupi Kaur is an extremely talented poet, and I see a lot of people on social media re-post her work. Although it makes me incredibly happy to see poetry spread around social media, I would love to see people look at all the other amazing poets who have had the opportunity to be published. "Milk And Honey" is not the only poetry chapbook that exists, so take a look at these X poetry chapbooks that are just as good!

1. "The Big Book of Exit Strategies" by Jamaal May

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A few key titles are "FBI Questioning During the 2009 Presidential Inauguration", "The Gun Joke", "The Unseen Hand of Zombie Jesus". Read a few reviews about it here.

2. "Depression and Other Magic Tricks" by Sabrina Benaim


Benaim is one of the most viewed performance poets of all time after reading "Explaining My Depression to My Mother" with it skyrocketing to 500,000 views (you may have even seen it floating around Facebook--I know I did!). You can read a review about it here.

3. "If My Body Could Speak" by Blythe Baird


Baird is widely known for her feminist works, one of her most popular poems being the title of her chapbook, "If My Body Could Speak". This book is a celebration of femininity and womanhood that also focuses on the struggles many women face. You can read a review about her work here

4. "Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals" by Patricia Lockwood


Not only does she write some killer poetry, but she is also known quite well for her extraordinary memoir "Priestdaddy". This book of poems has been extremely successful, even going so far as to be nominated Goodreads Choice Awards Best Poetry. One of her most well-known poems is "The Rape Joke" that is just as powerful as it is moving. You can read a review about it here.

5. "The Type" by Sarah Kay


Sarah Kay is an absolutely brilliant poet and her poem based on the title of her book "The Type" has been shown a great success. Kay is mostly known for her spoken word poetry and can often be found at poetry slams where her work has gone incredibly viral. You can read a few reviews about her work here

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