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10 Ways To Make A Career Fair Feel Like A Fair And Not A Career

Career fair is coming, are you ready?

Career Fair
Corrine Harding

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Oh, career fairs: the places where instead of greasy food and sketchy rides, there are 20-something-year-olds wearing business professional clothes trying to hop on the ride called Adulthood. One thing is for certain, career fairs can bring on an adrenaline rush a lot like fairs you go to during the summer. Some people may feel nauseous because of the nerves of trying to get an internship, rather than they just rode rides and ate all the corndogs their heart desires. There are others who are so excited about the career fair that they walk in with the confidence of the person who gets on the ride first with no worries. Whichever category you fall into, career fairs can bring on a rollercoaster of emotions. Hopefully, these 10 tips can make your experience feel more like a fair than a career.

1. Take your time when filling out your resume, application, etc.


You don't want to make a major or small mistake when it comes to all the papers you fill out when it comes to applying for jobs and internships. Take your time, read things over, and have someone else look it too to double check yourself. Check yourself before wreck yourself.

2. Make Career Services your best friend


Whether your university has a gneral career service department or your specific college has something for career prep, your tuition helps cover the cost of career services. That means you are already paying for people to look over your resume, do mock interviews, or have career talks with. These programs and people are there to have your back and be your BCF (Best Career Friend).

3. Find your mentors 


The process of getting ready for a career fair does not have to be a solo task; find mentors in your life that will support you. Whether it is a sibling who already has a career, a person you met at a networking event, a professor, or anyone that you respect and value their opinion. Having someone that you can vent to about your worries, ask for advice, and have a support system to cheer you on in your career journey can make a huge difference.

4. Do a fashion show before the career fair


Don't wait until the night before to decide what to wear, only to realize that shirt you were planning to wear was left back home and your pants are a little tighter than you remember. Grab your roommate, play some of your favorite music, and try on your business clothes to make it a fun night rather than a chore of picking out clothes. That confidence you feel can follow through with you throughout the career fair and every time you slip on those clothes.

5. Seriously, pick comfortable shoes


It does not matter if they are heels, flats, or dress shoes. Make sure the pair of shoes you are wearing are comfortable and professional. You do not want to be walking around in pain or unable to walk because the shoes you chose to wear. See why a fashion show is important?

6. Speaking of clothes, don't look wrinkly 


Seriously, iron, man. Take the time beforehand to make sure your clothes aren't wrinkly and messy looking. One of the worst things you can do is look like you are wearing clothes that were piled up in the corner of your room while trying to get your dream internship. Pro Tip: don't iron or steam your clothes while wearing them; it's not worth the burns. (someone I know did this, learn from them, people!)

7. Invest in the right tools for the day


One thing that can make going to the career fair better is having the right tools ready. I strongly suggest a Padfolio to store all of your resumes in and to keep everything nice and clean. It can never hurt to get business cards nor having a few extra pens on you during the career fair. Top hat and briefcase not required. Unless you're a cute penguin. Then you do you.

8. Go with a friend


It may calm you down to ride with a friend to the career fair. The thing is, you cannot travel to every booth with your friend. You need to be independent to venture out on your own, but having an "exit buddy" can make the career fair seem a little less scary.

9. Be yourself 


Whether it is the words you use on your cover letter or answering the traditional "tell us about yourself," you need to be yourself throughout the entire process of the career fair. The best person who knows you is you! Own it, but be able to explain more about yourself in detail.

10. Breathe!


I know it's scary thinking about your future, careers, and who you want to be. Talking to strangers about yourself can add a lot of pressure, but try to breathe. Remember that you are amazing and one of a kind. Find a way to calm you down. Walk into the career fair with determination in your step and passion in your heart. Go get 'em, tiger!

The career fair may not be quite the same as attending a county fair, but if you follow these steps and believe in yourself, the act of going to a career fair won't be as scary.

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