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6 DIY Calming Gifts For Someone Who Is ALWAYS Stressed

We all know one. You probably are one. Get a present for your always-stressed friend that will make their holiday season that much brighter (and stress-free).

6 DIY Calming Gifts For Someone Who Is ALWAYS Stressed

Combine finals week, two major holidays and cold weather - what do you get? An over-stressed college teenager with little motivation and a whole lot of headaches. Snatch up these cheap gifts for your stressed loved ones!

1. Stress Ball

Sometimes all you need is something to hold when your stress is over the roof and you can't hit the gym (or something else, like a pillow). These DIY squishy stress balls are really simple to make and act as awesome gifts for your friends.

What You Need:

- Elmer's School Glue

- Detergent (Liquid Starch)

- Food Coloring

- Balloon + plastic water bottle top (your funnel!)

- Fish net

2. Beauty Supplies

These natural gifts are perfect for the women in your life this holiday season. Check out this video for beauty recipes, including a honey cinnamon mask, facial serum, and solid perfume. These gifts are very unique and take minutes to make!

What You Need:

- Coconut Oil

- Honey

- Essential Oils (lemon, frankincense, lavender, geranium)

- Cinnamon

- Jahoba Oil

- Rose Seed Oil

- Beeswax Pellets

- Glass/Plastic Jars (2 oz or bigger)

3. Knitting Kit

One way to de-stress is to take your mind off something. Give your friend or family member a knit kit for beginners. They can weave their stress into a project!

What You Need:

- Yarn

- Knitting Needles (aluminum, bamboo, or plastic) in Size 8 and Size 13

- Row Counter

- Stitch Markers

- Stoppers/Point Markers

- Stitch Holder

- Yarn or Tapestry Needle

- Cable Needles

- Knitting Gauge

4. Tea Bags

Although this DIY is meant for mother's day, the craft is perfect for any season, especially during the cold winter months. This video shows you the step by step instructions on how to make your very own tea bags. Fill the tea with your friend's favorite flavors and boom - an easy gift that tastes great and de-stressed the mind.

What You Need:

- Looseleaf tea

- Scissors

- Coffee filters

- Thread

- Needle

- Little Spoon

- Mason Jar

5. Natural Candles

DIY candles are perfect because you can customize them to fit each of your friends' personalities and needs! Use certain essential oils, like eucalyptus or lavender, for the ultimate de-stress effects.

What You Need:

- Coconut Oil

- Beeswax

- Candle Wicks

- Essential Oils

- Rose Petals

- Flowers

- Jars

6. Bath Soak

For the bath-lover in your life (or someone who NEVER takes baths), bath soaks are perfect gift ideas. Make your own beautiful bath soaks with cheap products. The bath soaks are aesthetically-pleasing, nutrient-rich, and exfoliating.

What You Need:

- Himalayan Pink Salt

- Dry Rose Buds

- Coconut Milk Powder

- Epsom Salt

- Rose Hip Oil

- Oatmeal

- Culinary Lavender

- Lavender Oil

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