The Best Broadway Shows Of The Last 10 Years
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The Best Broadway Shows Of The Last 10 Years

My picks for Broadway's best shows from 2006-2015

The Best Broadway Shows Of The Last 10 Years

This Sunday, June 12, is the Tony Awards. It's the day that theater lovers wait all year for, to see which of Broadway’s latest shows will come out on top. In addition viewers are treated to memorable performances from nominees.

As an avid fan of musical theater the Tony’s are a dream come true and I am not the only one. Musical theater is bigger than ever. In the past few years viewers have been treated to live productions broadcasted on national television by both NBC and Fox, such as “The Sound of Music Live,” “The Wiz Live,” and “Grease Live,” with even more productions coming in late 2016. There have also been movie adaptations of Broadway gems like “Les Misérables” and “Into the Woods” both of which have received esteemed praise and nominations. It seems musical theater is reaching farther than ever before.

To celebrate this most fabulous time of year, I decided to take a look back and choose what I think are the best Broadway shows of the last 10 years. For this list, both new musicals and revivals count and the year is marked by what year the show premiered on Broadway.



Lin-Manuel Miranda’s hip-hop musical, based off the life of Alexander Hamilton exploded on to Broadway in the summer of 2015 after a sold out run at the Public Theater. “Hamilton” has an amazingly talented cast, mainly consisted of people of color, and brings diversity to both revolutionary America and to current Broadway. It also doesn’t hurt that the music is irresistibly catchy and brilliant--not to mention Grammy award winning and Platinum certified.

Fun Home

This musical based off Alison Bechdel’s graphic memoir is a true theater experience. Taking you on a roller coaster of emotions from the ridiculously delightful “Come to the Fun Home” to the heart wrenching “Edges of the World” it is no secret how “Fun Home” grabbed top honors at last year’s Tony Awards.

The Color Purple

Based off the unforgettable Alice Walker novel, the 2014 revival of “The Color Purple” is a brilliantly stripped down production. Just listen to the beautiful “What About Love?” and the haunting “I’m Here” you will not regret it.


Hedwig and the Angry Inch

A revival of the off-Broadway musical “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” starred Neil Patrick Harris as Hedwig a genderqueer East German singer who assumes a female persona after a botched sex change. Who can forget Harris’ performance at the 2014 Tony Awards? This production of “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” won Best Revival of a Musical at the Tonys and Best Lead Actor in a Musical for Neil Patrick Harris.


Matilda the Musical

“Matilda” has always been a children’s classic and this musical based on the Roald Dahl book did not let fans down. Charming, clever and best of all fun “Matilda the Musical” brings yet another way to enjoy Dahl’s amazing story of a brilliant little girl with the gift of telekinesis.

Kinky Boots

Based off the 2005 film “Kinky Boots” tells the story of Charlie who attempts to save his family’s shoe factory by partnering with a drag queen named Lola. With music and lyrics by Cyndi Lauper “Kinky Boots” is just delightful to listen to.



This Broadway adaptation of the cult-favorite Disney movie starring Christian Bale (yes, that Christian Bale) was a surprise hit with musical fans everywhere. Following the newspaper boys’ strike at the turn of the century “Newsies” featured amazing choreography and updated songs from the movie and new songs created for the show.


A breathtaking musical based on 2007 movie of the same name. What made "Once" so memorable was its story of a Czech woman and an Ireland native making beautiful music together in Dublin. In addition the cast also served as the orchestra playing the music while on stage and during intermission the audience could go up on stage and get a drink from the bar.


The Book of Mormon

Hilarious, irreverent, and offensive “The Book of Mormon” is Trey Parker’s and Matt Stone’s (of “South Park” fame) Broadway debut and it is certainly an unforgettable one. Following two polar opposite Mormon missionaries as they struggle to convert a tribe in Uganda into all-American Latter-day Saints. “The Book of Mormon” swept much of the 2011 Tonys and also lead to an iconic performance by Andrew Rannells.

Anything Goes

This revival of the Broadway classic hit new heights with Sutton Foster as the lead. A true triple threat, Foster tap dances her way all over the stage and singing without missing a beat, as seen in “Anything Goes” Tony Award performance. It’s no wonder it snatched Best Revival of a Musical.


La Cage aux Folles

Based on the 1973 French play of the same name by Jean Poiret, “La Cage aux Folles” focuses on gay couple Georges, a Saint-Tropez drag nightclub manager, and Albin the nightclub’s star attraction when Georges' son, Jean-Michel, brings home his fiancée's ultra-conservative parents. It stared Kelsey Grammer as Georges and Douglas Hodge as Albin.


Next to Normal

“Next to Normal” is the story of a woman, played by the exceptionally talented Alice Ripley, struggling with bipolar depression and its effect on both her and her family. A fascinating look at mental illness and suburban families “Next to Normal” was a ground breaking show and won a Pulitzer Prize for Drama.



This revival starred Broadway royalty Patti LuPone as Mama (the musical equivalent to Hamlet basically), and Laura Benati as Rose and it was all kinds of amazing. “Gypsy” is a musical many dream of starring in and this production was a stellar cast.

In the Heights

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s first Broadway smash followed the residents of Washington Heights in New York City and featured all his musical genius and went on to win Best Musical at the Tonys and a Grammy for Best Musical Show Album.


Young Frankenstein

Mel Brooks’ musical based off his 1974 movie, is Brooks second attempt at a musical after the huge success of “The Producers.” A parody of the horror genre Young Frankenstein had an all-star cast including Megan Mullally, Sutton Foster, and Andrea Martin.


A Chorus Line

“A Chorus Line” is a beloved Broadway show and at one point was the longest running show in history. The story follows seventeen dancers as they vie for a spot on a chorus line and tell the story of how they became dancers in various touching and hilarious ways. Great care went into putting together this revival (which can be seen the documentary “Every Little Step”) and it paid off.

Spring Awakening

A rock musical following young teens in late 19th Century Germany “Spring Awakening” is all about teenage angst and sexuality. An outsider’s musical it went on to win seven Tony Awards in 2007 including Best Musical It also launched the careers of Lea Michele, Jonathan Groff, John Gallagher Jr., and Skylar Astin. Their Tony’s Performance was also pretty kick ass.

These last 10 years have been exceptional for musical theater, so settle down sometime this week, listen to a cast recording or two and get ready for the best show of the year.

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