10. When Gene put a twist on the joke "my eyes are up here" | The Odyssey Online
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15 Times 'Bob’s Burgers' Served Up Pure Comedy Gold


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Ever since "Bob's Burgers" was taken off Netflix, I have been going through major withdrawal. So, I have been renting them from my library and watching them periodically. And as I was watching through the thirteen episodes of season one, it just proved to me how much I laugh during this show. It is incredibly funny, and I don't think people realize that.

So here are fifteen moments that are just too hilarious.

1. The Thanksgiving song that Linda came up with


This is the episode where Linda has to pretend to be married to Mr. Fischoeder, her landlord, in order to get him a date with another woman. So, in order to raise her family's spirits, she writes a Thanksgiving song to brighten their holiday.

2. When the kids went to the rich neighborhoods for Halloween and Gene dressed up as Queen Latifah


Tina, Gene, and Louise wanted to do something different this Halloween and went to the rich neighborhoods to get so much more candy. Not only do they lose all the candy they received, but they get into lots more trouble.

3. When Louise took personal offense when her mom gave up her room when they ran a bed and breakfast for a weekend


All Linda wanted to do was open a bed and breakfast to earn some more cash for Tina's birthday party. But, of course, Louise had to make things just a little more difficult.

4. When Linda greatly defended her drunken escapades 


Linda is a wine mom and won't let anyone get between her and a good bottle of wine.

5. Literally anything Bob says because his voice is hilarious


It doesn't matter what Bob says, his voice makes everything he says hilarious and relatable.

6. When Tina had a place on her parents' bed just for her thrashing


The family had a nice little sleepover in the parents' bedroom and Tina had to clarify exactly what she used her section for.

7. Every time Linda said her catchphrase "Alright" had me cracking up


It doesn't matter the context in which she says it, it's always relevant.

8. When Bob started working at a community garden and couldn't have been happier


Bob needed some space from the restaurant and a new hobby. What's a better place than a community garden where he can grow fresh produce for his food?

9. When Tina was learning how to drive and hit the only other car in the parking lot because she couldn't make a turning decision


This scene gets me every time. Of course, Tina hits the only other car in the parking lot. And of course, that car belongs to Bob's arch-rival Jimmy Pesto.

10. When Gene put a twist on the joke "my eyes are up here"


Leave it to Gene to make a joke funnier with his own little quirks

11. When Tina and Louise went to a Boyz 4 Now concert and Louise fell in love with Booboo 


Louise was dragged to this concert and made fun of the girls who cried over the boy band. But she later developed a massive crush on one of the members and can't control her love.

12. When Tina thought that 'glasses' meant something a little different


This was also from the Thanksgiving episode mentioned above, but Tina definitely made the toast better with her version.

13. When Gene learned the hard way to why people don't eat tacos on the toilet


At first, Gene thought he was a genius doing something that would eventually catch on. Only to quickly realize why people don't do this.

14. When Linda said what everybody thinks when they see mini croissants


Linda is a woman after her true desires. And mini croissants were calling her name.

15. And despite all the name-calling and whatnot, they are still a very loving family


This one pulls more at the heartstrings than makes someone laugh, but it's still a tender moment with one of the funniest TV families.

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