Bisexuality is defined as "sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender; attracted to both men and women". It is stood for by the B in LGBTQIA+ and is usually a dismissed sexuality, along with pansexuality and asexuality.
As someone who identifies as bisexual, I thought I would use this platform to share the most common misconceptions bisexuals hear.
Remember: why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic, when you could just be quiet?
Are you sure you aren’t just fully gay?
Yes, I'm sure. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to pick just one type to be attracted to. Sexuality is a spectrum, and there are no rules at all.
Just pick one!
That's not how sexuality works. You can't choose who you want to be attracted to, it just happens.
You’re just doing it for attention.
Nope! I'm out and proud because I want to be. I'm will always authentically be myself and if you don't enjoy that then stop paying attention to me. There is no reason for me to hide a part of myself for others.
How do you know you like the same sex if you’ve only been with people of the opposite sex?
Sexuality doesn't mean you have to have sex with someone to know if you like them. You can be attracted to anyone you want!
So you’re only half gay?
That's actually not how that works at all. We're apart of the LGBTQIA+, community just like everyone else.
Do you want to have a threesome?
AGAIN, my sexuality is not your fantasy. Just because I like girls does not mean I want to have sex with everyone.
You’re so lucky, I hate men!
That probably has something to do with your shitty choices in relationships, not your sexuality, but okay.
But don’t you have a boyfriend?
Being bisexual doesn't mean I am not fully committed to my relationship. Just because I also like the same sex does not mean I will not take my heterosexual relationship seriously.