4. Her Singing the Background Vocals on Frank Ocean's "Pink + White" | The Odyssey Online
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4 Unique Sounds You Would Probably Hear In Beyoncé's ASMR Video If She Ever Made One

in my dreams Beyonce makes ASMR videos and this is what it sounds like.


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Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) videos have been taking over the internet for quite some time. These videos are usually made on YouTube and are currently one of the biggest trends in social media. ASMR is defined as a relaxing, sedative sensation that starts from the scalp and continues to move down the body. It's also known as a "brain massage." These responses are triggered by whispers, crackles, and various visual aspects. From seeing this trend all over the internet, it got me thinking. What would Beyoncé's ASMR video sound like? Beyoncé is my all time favorite artist so I feel like it would be nothing short of amazing. Here's what I think!

1. The Crispy Crunch of One Hundred Dollar Bills.

Britney Spears Beyonce GIF


Beyoncé is worth approximately 350 million dollars. In addition to this, she is married to someone that is almost a billionaire. She and her family are set for generations to come.

2. The Sound of Her Wedding Ring Being Thrown on the Ground.

Beyonce Lemonade GIF


Beyoncé came out with Lemonade around two years ago. She gave us a look inside her relationship and her emotions during the difficult time she was in. We found out from Lemonade, that Jay-Z was cheating. I say that this would be a part of her ASMR video because at the end of the "Don't Hurt Yourself" video, she throws what is to be her wedding ring on the ground.

3. The Quiet Rasp of Blue Ivy's Voice Asking, "Where's the rest of your house?"

Rude Blue Ivy GIF by Identity


Blue Ivy is rich. Both of her parents have a lot of money. She's used to having extravagant things more than likely given by her parents. I included Blue Ivy because I think she would jump at any moment to roast us on how much more she has than us.

4. Her Singing the Background Vocals on Frank Ocean's "Pink + White"

Visual Album Beyonce GIF


Her vocals on this song were amazing. If I were to put the experience of listening to her vocals in this song, I would say that It was like my soul was floating and my heart was given the most gentle and warming hug.

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