10 TV Shows to Binge Watch Over Winter Break | The Odyssey Online
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10 TV Shows To Binge Watch Over Break

Now that finals are over and you are left with so much time on your hands, there is no better way to spend it than laying in bed and watching episode after episode of a new TV show!

10 TV Shows To Binge Watch Over Break

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After a long semester all I want to do is go home, cozy up in my bed, and watch TV. Over breaks I can easily get through a season of any show in two day's time and, with winter break being a month long, I have plenty of time to watch and potentially finish new series. Here are 10 of my favorite shows to binge watch after a stressful semester.

1. The Ranch


This is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. I catch myself laughing out loud often, which is usually a hard task for a TV show to accomplish. Part 6 was just released on Netflix and I am currently making my way through it. Not only is this show hysterical, but Ashton Kutcher is in it and that would be enough for me.

Also if you are a fan of That 70's Show, there is a lot of appearances from that cast as well as Steven Hyde playing the main character Rooster!

2. Fuller House


A new season was just added to Netflix! This show is so lighthearted and cute. It is perfect to watch with friends or family. I like it for the nostalgia quality and cuteness factor. It is also a good show if you just want something on in the background as you do other things.

3. Drugs Inc.


If you like documentaries, you will love this! Me and my roommate were watching episodes of Drugs Inc. throughout the semester and, as soon as we finished one, we had to start another. This show is very interesting and shows a deep look into the lives of people who do and sell drugs. Also, from this show my roommate found out that there are drug dealers in Minnesota... very educational!

4. Gossip Girl


I've probably binge watched Gossip Girl at least four times, but it is always one of my favorites. There is something about watching their rich-kid drama unfold and hating almost all the characters yet being unable to turn it off. It always makes me want to live on the Upper East Side and fall in love with a rich man.

5. Hart of Dixie


I love Rachel Bilson! Also everything about this show is wonderful. It follows a New York City doctor as she moves to a rural Alabama town where she just causes a bunch of problems and eventually falls in love. I feel like every component about this show makes it binge worthy.

6. Gilmore Girls


This show makes me feel so cozy and at home. I think Stars Hollow is such a special place and I would love to just insert myself into their little town. A bonus would be to binge this with your mom so you can feel like Lorelia and Rory!

7. The Night Shift


This is easily my favorite medical drama I have ever watched. I seriously finished it in a week. Unlike shows like Grey's Anatomy, it follows around more than just the surgeons, which I think makes it a lot more interesting. The characters have intense cases, a lot of passion, and interesting personal lives, which makes it hard to stop watching.

8. Law & Order SVU


In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories. *DUN DUN*

This show is a classic. Olivia Benson is a queen. You can never go wrong with watching SVU for hours or even days. I rest my case.

9. The OC

THE O.C., (backrow, l to r): Tate Donovan, Rachel Bilson, Melinda Clarke, Peter Gallagher, Kelly Row


I love this show so much and it is the current one that I am binge watching. I'm pretty much just trash for early 2000s teen TV shows, but I stand by this choice. Also Seth Cohen is so cute and funny and dorky and I recommend falling in love with him. Unless you're more into hot and broody bad boy Ryan Atwood, that is also a good choice to fall in love with and I will not judge you for that.

10. One Tree Hill


Out of every show on the planet to binge watch this is the one I would choose time and time again. If I was only allowed to watch one TV show for the rest of my life it would be a no brainer. One Tree Hill is easily the greatest show of all time and so so easy to watch for hours on end. If you aren't already asking yourself "What would Brooke Davis do?" you should probably start.

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