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The Best of the Best Of the Marvel TV Universe: A Definitive Ranking

Full Disclosure: I'm only talking about Marvel TV on Netflix (sorry my fellow Hulu peeps).

The Best of the Best Of the Marvel TV Universe: A Definitive Ranking

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If Marvel knows one thing for certain, it's how to make great entertainment. And while the entire world gave a collective *gasp* because of Marvel's "Infinity War", there's another aspect of Marvel that goes largely ignored in the mainstream and that's their television universe. Now, I'll admit that I'm a bit late on the Marvel TV bandwagon because I used to be one of those "DC only" freaks who never gave Marvel a shot, and it wasn't until I watched - sorry, pirated (don't @ me FBI, go grill someone else please) - "Infinity War" did I decide to delve further into the vast Marvel universe.

With that all out of the way, allow me to rank and rate 5 series' that are currently on Netflix right now: "Daredevil", "Jessica Jones", "Luke Cage", "Iron Fist" and "The Defenders". I didn't know how else to rank these shows, so I'll rate them based on similar categories like the Emmys or Oscars, but with my own spin on them.

Best Title Sequence - "Daredevil"

When I first started watching "Daredevil", I was thrown off by the long title sequence for the show (only to then find out that all Marvel TV show openings are like that). I at first did not understand the symbols that are in the sequence: the bridge, the water tower, the city scape, a sad angel and especially lady justice. Yet, as anyone who has watched "Daredevil" knows that these all represent Matt Murdock's journey into becoming Daredevil.

Best Music - "Luke Cage"

"Luke Cage" definitively has the best music by far in the Marvel TV universe. Harlem's Paradise, the club frequented by the rich and affluent individuals of Harlem, has live performances for the patrons to dance to. I personally love "Love Live The Chief" sung originally by Jidenna. Take a look at the lyrics, they echo sentiment about Harlem and growing up "how to make a silver spoon out of plastic." What's more Harlem than that?

Best Editing - "Iron Fist"

Anger management issues much there Danny?


To tell you the truth, I'm only saying Iron Fist has the best editing because most of the other series' have severe continuity errors with their editing. Iron Fist has great editing because of the show's amazing action sequences (see below for more on that). Then again, when it comes to Marvel action scenes in general, the editing is great.

Best Supporting Characters/Cast - "Luke Cage"

While yes, all of the series' have great supporting casts, I think "Luke Cage" has the best cast because I legitimately as if I'm in Harlem with them whenever I watch the series. From hanging out at Pop's shop in the series opener to Harlem's Paradise with Cottonmouth and Mariah, you get a sense of the neighborhood itself. The camaraderie and "I got your six" attitude of Harlem is what makes "Luke Cage" so special: You understand why Luke wants to protect Harlem because of the people that populate it.

Best Dialogue - "Jessica Jones"

Indeed it does, Jessica.


Now, I could totally be biased when I say this, but "Jessica Jones" has the best dialogue, hands down. I have a bit of an attitude myself from time to time, but damn Jessica's one liners just crack me up. Check out her lines from "The Defenders" here or lines from season one here.

Best Action Sequences - "Iron Fist"

Ninjas, swords, and Colleen Wing in brutal fight-to-the-death-for-cash cage fights. 'Nough said.

Best Character Development - "Daredevil"

Remind me to not piss Matt off... not that I need reminding.


Truthfully, I can't get enough of Foggy, Karen and Matt as a team. And while (*spoiler!*) they don't remain as the beloved Nelson and Murdock team long after Matt (*again spoiler!*) reveals he's Daredevil to Karen at the end of season two, I still yearn for the day to see them all in season three sometime this year.

Best Crossover Character - Claire Temple

Arguably one of her best delivered lines ever.


Come on, you can't expect me to write a glorified love letter to Netflix and Marvel with this article and NOT mention the greatest character of the Marvel TV universe, do you? Claire Temple is a goddess, period. The amount of crap this woman puts up with for our vigilante heroes is astounding. Not only does she patch up Daredevil when in need and takes defense classes to defend herself from bad guys, but she also saves Luke not once but twice from death. Claire Temple is the unsung hero of the Marvel Universe and should rightfully get the key to the city (or a promotion from Tony Stark, one of the two).

Best Standalone Villain - Kilgrave from "Jessica Jones"

Yes, yes, this one is arguably very controversial to rank as the best villain in the Marvel TV universe, but hear me out. Kilgrave is - sorry, was (*delayed spoiler*) - an individual who abused his powers for his own benefit and at the expense of every human being he encountered. And before you get defensive and say, "But hey, what about the Punisher? What about Wilson Fisk and the Hand?", might I remind you that Kilgrave once took an entire precinct hostage (see the last scene in the video above) and ordered his own parents to commit suicide? Might I also remind you that the Punisher is more of an anti-hero (a twisted one at that), that Wilson Fisk is a wannabe Soprano and that the Hand is… just a mess all around? There, I rest my case. Hopefully Matt Murdock and Jeri Hogarth will be proud of my defense there.

Best Hero - The Defenders



Like I can pick between the four of them! Come on, they're all great.

We truly live in a golden age of television and superheroes. Don't mind me while I continue to sell my soul (and time and frankly money) to Netflix and Marvel as I watch the rest of the universe unfold on the silver screen. If you haven't already dug into the universe, I highly suggest you do so before the Hand plans to *ahem* resurrect itself (pun definitely intended there) to try to take over the world again.

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