Podcasts That'll Motivate You To Reach Your Goals In 2020
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10 Podcasts That'll Motivate Every 20-Something College Girl To Be The Best Version Of Herself In 2020

You. Got. This.

10 Podcasts That'll Motivate Every 20-Something College Girl To Be The Best Version Of Herself In 2020

A lot has happened in 2019. It has been a year full of struggles, growth, experiences, and new opportunities. Along with all of that, 2019 has also brought to life a different kind of entertainment: the podcast.

I have never really listened to podcasts until this year, and I am SO happy that I discovered how amazing they are when I did. There are so many different kinds of podcasts out there that can fit all of my moods. There's funny, crime, thrillers, tear-jerkers, ones for the religious, and ones for dirty minds. Some of my favorite podcasts, however, fall into the category of inspirational.

As I look forward to the New Year, I know I have a lot of personal goals I am going to set for myself, as do many other people. Whether you are trying to become more focused in school or work, hit the gym a little more, eat healthier, or improve any part of your life, listening to an inspiring and motivating podcast is the perfect way to start off 2020.

Here is a list of 10 of the most motivational and inspiring podcasts I have ever listened to, and plan to continue to listen to as we head into the new decade.

1. "Inspire Nation"

This podcast features professional speakers who are very informed on topics from health and wellness, to spirituality, to wealth and money-management. The diverse speakers and wide array of topics make this podcast a go-to for those who want to take charge of their lives.

2. "How I Built This with Guy Raz" by NPR

Whether you're an aspiring innovator, entrepreneur, idealist, or none of the above, "How I Built This with Guy Raz" is sure to motivate anyone as it takes the listener behind the scenes into some of the biggest companies in the world and explains how they came to be. This series features innovators from all kinds of different companies telling their stories on how they came to be where they are today.

3. "Where There's Smoke" by Brett Gajda

"Where There's Smoke" is hosted by Brett Gajda, who is one of the most interesting people I have ever come across. He has been to every continent and seen countless things I cannot even imagine. He uses his experiences, current events, and pop culture to explore self-development, which is something we should all be interested in this year.

4. "Horoscope Today" by Parcast Original on Spotify

This podcast is for all of the astrology-lovers out there! They have daily episodes for each of the 12 signs, so you can listen to the episodes that correspond with your sun sign. This three-minute podcast is the perfect way to start your day and have you ready to tackle whatever life decides to throw at you.

5. "Goal Digger" by Jenna Kutcher

A must for all the girl bosses out there, this podcast is all about setting goals in the business world and being able to achieve them while also chasing your dreams. 2020 is the year to finally do everything you have ever wanted to do.

6. "Good Life Project" by Jonathon Fields

This podcast was created to inspire listeners to live a more meaningful and connected life by sharing stories. If that's not a perfect goal to set at the beginning of the decade, I'm not sure what is!

7. "The Guilty Feminist" by Deborah Frances-White

This London-based podcast talks about all things feminism, including the insecurities, hypocrisies and fears of the principles. We all have our beliefs and we should stand for them, even if sometimes we can get a bit shaky.

8. "Invisibilia" by NPR

There are 'invisible forces' that control everything about our lives, including our beliefs, ideas and behaviors. This podcast by Alix Spiegel, Lulu Miller, and Hanna Rosin combines science with storytelling to help us all see our lives a little bit differently. It'll make you think and allow you to be more understanding of others, and who doesn't love that?

9. "The Minimalists" by Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus

Letting go of things you do not need in your life is a huge part of becoming a better you. "The Minimalists" podcast gives tips on how to live a more simple, healthy and happy life simply by using minimalism as a guide.

10. "Happier" by Gretchen Rubin

One goal that you can find on almost anyone's New Year's resolution list is to be happier in the upcoming year. Listening to this podcast will give you tips on how to live a happier life simply by changing some of your daily habits. What an amazing way to start off 2020!

Starting a New Year and a new decade can be a daunting thought, but it doesn't have to be.

These podcasts can help give you tips on how to be happier, healthier, and more emotionally and intelligently in tune with YOU.

Good luck in 2020 everyone, and happy listening!

Most of these podcasts can be found on streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and their respective websites!

See also: 10 Podcasts That'll Motivate You To Get Out Of Bed When You'd Rather Sleep For Another 10 Hours

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