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21 Lorelai Gilmore Quotes To Lean On When Leaving Your mom For College

Solidarity, sister.

21 Lorelai Gilmore Quotes To Lean On When Leaving Your mom For College

Lorelai Gilmore is easily one of television's most beloved mothers.

Between her coffee addiction and rapid-fire verbal sparring, what's not to love? She is supportive and encouraging of Rory and is always on her side. If there's one thing I admire most about the Lorelais, it's their fierce independence. That independence, however, does not apply to their relationship with one another. Especially when faced with leaving for college, every girl leans on their mom for support.

From relationship advice to advice on what to wear, our moms are always there for us. When our real-life moms can't be with us, at least we have these Lorelai Gilmore words of wisdom to help us through.

1. "You have so many years of screw-ups ahead of you."

We're young, it's our time to make mistakes and learn from them. Thank god our moms can remind us that they're not the end of the world.

2. "If you're gonna throw your life away, he'd better have a motorcycle."

If you're gonna date someone your mom disapproves of, you may as well go all in. The good news is that even though she may not like him, she'll always love you. And she'll be there to say "I told you so" if/when you break up.

3. "I am the Oracle, I carry all the knowledge."

Mother knows best, after all.

4. "I'm afraid that once your heart's involved, it all comes out in moron."

Our mothers taught us everything they know about flirting.

5. "Behold the healing powers of a bath."

When you're having a rough day, always remember that baths can fix anything.

6. "You have to sleep, it's what keeps you pretty."

Sleep sleep sleep! And when you think you've slept enough, sleep some more!

7. "Hey, maybe instead of going to college, you should drop out and I could quit my job and we can form an all-girl band with Lane, you know, like Bananarama. We could call it Tangerinarama or Banana-fana-fo-fana-rama…or something."

Just so you know there's a backup plan in case college doesn't work out.

8. "I love you. You're the greatest kid in the world. And you're in a skirt, keep your knees closed."

Keeping it classy with a little bit of advice from our moms.

9. "Bad girls always wear red nail polish."

Nothing says "come hither" like some red nail polish.

10. "Nothing says coffee like 6:00 in the morning."

Coffee is the key to success in college.

11. "I don't like Mondays but unfortunately, they always come around eventually."

Mondays suck, it's just a fact.

12. "It's all any of us wants, to find a nice person to hang out with 'til we drop dead. Not a lot to ask."

Criteria number one for potential relationships: is the other person nice?

13. "Relationships need verbs."

Love is about doing stuff.

14. "We're almost there & nowhere near it. All that matters is that we're going!"

You've come a long way, but you've still got a long way to go. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.

15. "One day I decided that instead of being hurt and upset by your disapproval, I'm gonna be amused. I'm gonna find it funny. I'm even going to take a little bit of pleasure in it."

Not everyone will approve of what you're doing, but the important thing is that you don't let them get under your skin.

16. "You will kick your own butt later if you blow this."

Keep going even when you don't think you'll make it. You'll always regret not trying.

17. "Saturday is the day of pre-rest. So that way when you actually get to Sunday, you're rested enough to enjoy your rest."

Take advantage of your weekends and sleep!

18. "I'm attracted to pie. It doesn't mean I feel the need to date pie."

You don't have to date every attractive guy you see.

19. "Get back in your pajamas, go to bed, eat nothing but gallons of ice cream and tons of pizza."

It's okay to be heartbroken, and you're allowed to mope a bit.

20. "We can't be lost; we don't know where we're going."

Everything happens for a reason, even if it doesn't fit into your plans.

21. "Solidarity, sister."

Your mom always has your back. That's what moms are for.

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