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Avengers As Your Friend Group

Ever wondered which Avenger you are in your friend group?

Avengers As Your Friend Group

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The Avengers and your friend group may not be so different after all. Here are the list of the Original Avengers, as your friends.

1. Iron Man

If you are the Iron Man of your friend group, you are probably SUPER sarcastic. You might be the most outgoing of your friends as well. You are extremely smart, which can sometimes get you in trouble. While everyone may think you are egotistical and do not care about anything, that is not true. You care about your friends deeply and would risk everything for them to be safe. Sometimes that can blind you from what is the right thing to do.

2. Captain America

If you are the Captain America friend you are probably your friend group's moral compass. Also you are a natural born leader. You are loyal to a fault. You may not always know what is going on around you in pop culture, but you eventually get the references later. You are the strategic thinker in your friend group, you work best under pressure. Also you take the term day one to a whole new level. If one of your friends is named Bucky, well at least they know you will always have their back.

3. Thor

If you are the Thor friend, you are very strong. You are strong inside and out. You have been through some hard times, and have come out stronger with each one. You are funnier than most give you credit for. Sometimes you can be a little impulsive and not think things through. However, you always learn from your mistakes. You would die for the people you love. Also you always have the best entrances.

4. Hulk

If you are the Hulk friend, well I'm sorry to say but you have a slight temper. While you try your best to control it, sometimes it just comes out. However, that is not always a bad thing! Sometimes your temper really helps the group out! Besides your temper, you are actually very smart. Like seriously the smartest out of the group. If you do not have them already you may go on to have seven PhD's one day. You are a rule follower for the most part (unless your friend makes you make a murder bot with them). You are kind of introverted in your group of friends. You do not usually fight unless it is to help your friends, or something really ticked you off.

5. Black Widow

If you are the Black Widow friend, you are complex. While everyone can see that you are gorgeous, that is not all there is to you. First and foremost you are a strong and powerful person. Honestly, you couldn't care less what other people think of you. You have confidence in yourself and your abilities. However, you do have an internal war going on in your head. You have been through some pretty hard things in your life. You are stronger than people see. You have fought to become the person you are today and honestly everyone loves you.

6. Hawkeye

If you are the Hawkeye friend, well you are sorely unappreciated. You are always there for your friends and may feel like no one notices the effort you put in. Sometimes you might be the last one to know about things; however, you are always going to be in the group. You have some great skills that are very much appreciated in conflicts. Your dry sense of humor may go over people's heads at times but you are funny. You may not trust your friends completely to tell them everything, but at the end of the day you will always be there for them. Even though you do not think it, you are appreciated!

7. Loki

If you are the Loki friend, well you have a lot to work on. First of all in your friend group, you are an acquired taste to say the least. Some people love you like literally so much, some people cannot stand you. It just takes a lot to warm up to you at first. However, once people get to know you and see your vulnerable side, they start to love you. You can be quite tricky and manipulative with your friends, which is not always a good thing. Also you have family issues that you always talk about, you might want to let up on those a bit. Your humor is unmatched, you might be the funniest in your friend group!

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