You usually build a wall around yourself, but once that wall is broken down, your love is stronger than anything | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things That Happen When You're The 'Asshole Friend'

Every friend group needs the one that just tells it how it is.

group of friends sitting together

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In every friend group, there's always that one friend. That friend who tells it like it is without any restrictions and loves you for you; but will not think twice to tell you how they really feel when you inevitably go back to that fuckboy. While you're reading this, one person comes to mind and they have been deemed the asshole friend of the group…

Here are 10 things that happen when you become the asshole friend.

People will always look to you when they need to make an assertive decision, or to just plain ole call someone out 


Your friends trust your opinion more than others


People will always think that you're mean, angry or jealous but that couldn't be further from the truth


You usually build a wall around yourself, but once that wall is broken down, your love is stronger than anything


Some may think you're unapproachable


Dating is difficult, but weeding out those who aren't worth your time is a lot easier


"Being cruel to be kind" really means that you care; as told by Adele

Love in the dark by Adele


When life gets hard, you give the best advice


you have a tendency to push people out of their comfort zone


No matter how many ways you put it, you're "that lifetime asshole friend"


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