Art Is Too Important To Be Forgotten
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Art Is Too Important To Be Forgotten

We are created to create.

Art Is Too Important To Be Forgotten
Una Laurencic

What exactly constitutes itself as art? This is a question that time and time again tends to be revisited and scrutinized by society. Many would argue that art can be anything that is made with one’s two hands, while others feel that only specific mediums are considered to be true artistry. Whether we look at the impressionist oil paintings, modern art, or independent films, all of these mediums have one thing in common: they are all increasingly becoming depreciated.

I was born in the year 1999, smack between a fading 90s generation and a new age of the 2000s. As a lingering member of my fellow millennials, I have found that art is not so much a common phenomenon among young people anymore. Trust me, I am not discrediting the art majors and budding poets. I acknowledge and admire your love that is much like my own. Yet, I see less and less people truly appreciating art and rather using it simply as content for their social media platforms. Art is so much more than painted canvases hanging on the walls of museums and fancy restaurants. They tell stories of love, pain, anger, and often share important messages to their admirers.

Growing up, I tried every after-school activity and sport you’d imagine. Soccer, dance, cheerleading, kickboxing. I could go on and on. However, throughout the short-lived periods of time I participated in these activities, I never once felt complete satisfaction. There is a quote that says, “Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.” This embodies my childhood. Therefore, it wasn’t until as a small, shy third grader I took my first steps into George Kaizar’s School of Art, and I realized my true passion. Taking two hour sessions each week, I realized the school had become my sanctuary and a place that I could just concentrate on one matter at a time. Surrounded by like minded individuals, I could choose to talk while drawing or go into my own world with my earphones in. Art became something that couldn’t let me down, because I was always the one in control. There were always so many new people, places, objects that I desired to put on paper. It was an outlet where I could make these beautiful pieces while at the same time watch myself grow into the artist I am today.

That is why it worries me that this generation is losing its sight in valuing art. I am aware that not everyone is born with a paint brush between their fingertips, but I also feel that art needs to be made more aware in our culture. Many people aren’t artists, but you do not need to be an artist to appreciate it. Not to mention there are so many new styles and mediums like street art appearing all over. So visit museums, go to sculpture grounds, sit outside and sketch the activity in the park- even if you suck at it.

Additionally, there are so many simple ways to incorporate art into everyday life. If you are of legal drinking age go to a sip and paint studio! Stop and look at the murals on the sides of buildings. Support local artists. Any kind of minor involvement will have its benefits. I know for certain that when I create my art I feel a sense of pride and joy. Even though it is more of a hobby now, it allows me to debrief from my stressors and gives me a place to channel what I am feeling. However you choose to express your artistic talents or appreciate art more, just remember without people to support art, there would be no art. A common appreciation of creativity is what the world needs and what individuals need to keep it evolving.

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