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10 Animals You Did Not Know You Loved Until Now That Will Leave You Saying 'Awwwwww'

With Finals and Exams going on, everyone needs a good animal compilation to unwind.

10 Animals You Did Not Know You Loved Until Now That Will Leave You Saying 'Awwwwww'

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Forewarning: There are NO reptiles on this list. If there was, the list would be so much longer.

And #5 is a dog... but you don't of it so I'm not lying.

And prepare your hearts for #1 (you really should).

The small and gentle Bat

Now, some people will deny they love Bats but all you have to do is see a bat eating a grape to change your mind. Bats are the cutest and most fragile animals that I desperately want as a pet but they require a lot of attention, care and, check-ups... You see, with school, I can't but one day... yes, one day.

The chubby and playful Seal

Many people are put off by the big black eyes and chubbiness of the Seal. The difference to a Sea Lion is pretty small. The Seal doesn't have front legs capable to carry them so they jump and wiggle its body on land to move around, the Sea Lion does.

The chunky and stubby Pig

I'm not talking about a piglet. I am talking a full grown potbelly pig. My family has owned 2 of these in the past and this is a video of my Father feeding his most beloved pig, Wilbur. I used to think these pigs were ugly but when you learn about them, you really get a surprise. They are fast (outran our dog), they love to make holes (destroyed our yard), and love to snuggle.

The small and headstrong Dik Dik

This is basically a miniature dear. They look like Dear, they walk like dear, they eat like dear BUT they are not a dear, they are a small species of antelope. It is the African Antelope, to be precise.

The beautiful and protected Japanese Red Fox

Image a fox.
Now brighten and fluff-ify the fur.
Ok, domesticate them now.
And finally, make them a bit smaller.
Now you have the Japanese Red Fox.

Usually, I would have just said a fox but this particular fox is amazingly cute, Japan has created a village just for the Foxes and it is a tourist attraction which keeps them protected and fed to live in order to keep them from going extinct.

The fluffy and intelligent Shiba Inu

This dog is partial to Japan. I know, another animal from Japan but this is one you have most likely seen but probably haven't heard of but you will love that you know it now. This dog is unique in many ways. This is a curly tailed, playful, fluffy, and curious dog. From what I have gathered they are more intelligent than normal dogs.

The strange and tiny Gerboa

This is one of the strangest creatures I have ever seen, its a mix between a Kangaroo and a mouse. I think this is a cute rodent that you should look up. It is certainly one I am going to be researching. Like, how on Earth did this happen?

The clumsy and slow Sloth

Who watched Zootopia?? If you did, you know exactly what I am talking about. Who doesn't love a slow-moving mammal that looks like it doesn't give a f*** about anyone. And I have often heard of people comparing sloths to people that get High. They are slow, don't want to do anything but smile, and look completely out of it.

The adorable and rowdy Red Panda

When you hear Panda, you think of the cuddly big black and white sweethearts. But Red Pandas are not exactly the same. Some think they look like foxes but I think they look more like a raccoon with their ringed tails than a panda or fox.

The stunned Slow Loris

Honestly, they look fake to me. I seriously cannot think of any other mammal (other than the Seal) that has such beautiful big eyes. They are one of the most beautiful animals I have ever seen. They eat with 2 hands sometimes, they always look unsure and cute.

The Slow Loris are actually endangered because they are the victims of pet trade in many countries due to their beauty. The Loris is a nocturnal animal so being in a brightly lit room makes them uncomfortable.And the Slow Loris is actually venomous. They have venom glands in their elbow that secrete a toxin that they mix with saliva and bite their enemies with, which could lead to death in Humans. The one above is terrified and raising its arms in an attempt to defend itself.

The Slow Loris Reality

They are cute, right?

You see these gifs? The Slow Loris being tickled and being fed riceballs in a bright room... well, that is actually evidence of abuse.

The Slow Loris is a nocturnal animal so being in a brightly lit room makes them uncomfortable.
And the Slow Loris is actually venomous. They have venom glands in their elbow that secrete a toxin that they mix with saliva and bite their enemies with, which could lead to death in Humans. The one on the left is terrified and raising its arms in an attempt to defend itself.

These animals are one of many victims in the illegal and cruel pet trade.

The defensive Slow Loris

They are one of the most beautiful animals I have ever seen. They eat with 2 hands sometimes, they always look unsure and cute. But this Loris looks unusually defensive and sad.

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