3. "The Doodle Bops" | The Odyssey Online
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21 Obscure TV Shows 90s And 00s Kids Can't Believe They Almost Forgot About

Wait...did this show exist?!


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Have you ever had a moment where you're like "What was that show called?" Some of us have even questioned if a show even existed. Keep reading for a list of cartoons and shows that weren't too popular and were tossed aside. Hopefully, this list will jog your memory:

1. "Bear In The Big Blue House" 


2. "PB & J Otter"


3. "The Doodle Bops" 


4. "Sheep In The Big City" 

5. "My Life As A Teenage Robot" 

6. "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide" 


7. "The Busy World Of Richard Scary" 

8. "Kipper" 

9. "Lazy Town" 

10. "Maisy" 

11. "Oobi"

12. "Oswald" 

13. "Tweenies" 

14. "Mr. Meaty" 

15. "Stanley" 

16. "Catscratch" 

17. "The X's"

18. "El Tigre" 

19. "Romeo!"

20. "The Naked Brothers Band" 

21. "Maggie And The Ferocious Beast" 

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