Remembering Alan Rickman | The Odyssey Online
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Remembering Alan Rickman

May he rest in peace.

Remembering Alan Rickman

On Jan. 14, 2016, at the age of 69, legendary actor, Alan Rickman, passed away from pancreatic cancer. From guest staring on various television shows, to staring in one of the lead roles in one of the most popular (and one of the highest grossing) film franchises in cinema history, Rickman was a man of many artistic talents; he did it all.

Rickman is famous for his roles as Hans Gruber, the leader of the German terrorists in "Die Hard," as the Sheriff Of Nottingham in "Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves," as Colonel Brandon in "Sense And Sensibility" and, most notably, Severus Snape in the "Harry Potter" films. Alan Rickman was an incredible actor, and, although he is no longer with us, he has achieved immortality through his many roles in many movies and television shows. In order to fully understand why he has achieved immortality through his many acting roles, let us take a moment to remember why we love, and why we will miss, the legendary actor, Alan Rickman:

1. Over The Course Of His Career Alan Rickman Has Become A Cinema Icon, Both In America And In The U.K.

Alan Rickman and Jimmy Fallon — "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon"(2013)

2. He Made Us Laugh

Melvin The Robot — "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" (2005)

3. He Made Us Cry

Severus Snape — "Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part II" (2011)

4. He Even Made Us Cry From Laughing

Alan Rickman and Jimmy Fallon having a conversation while sucking helium —"The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" (2015)

5. He Made Us Hate Him

Hans Gruber — "Die Hard" (1988)

6. He Made Us Love Him

Metatron - "Dogma" (1999)

7. He Was Always A Good Sport

8. He Has Many Memorable One Liners

Severus Snape — "Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban" (2004)

9. He Was Brutally Honest

Severus Snape — "Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix" (2007)

10. He Was Totally Hip

Shabandar — "Gambit" (2012)

11. He Still Shocked Us Even If You Already Knew Who Snape Really Was From Reading The Books

Severus Snape — "Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince" (2009)

12. He Was, Genuinely, A Good Soul

13. He Liked To Participate In Fun, Goofy Projects When He Wasn't Working On A Film

"Epic Tea Time With Alan Rickman" (Music From Inception)

14. His Voice, Alone, Is Iconic - Many Have Tried To Master An Alan Rickman Impression, But Only Cumberbatch Succeeded

Benedict Cumberbatch and Jimmy Fallon doing Alan Rickman impressions — "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" (2013)

15. Without His Role As Severus Snape, The "Harry Potter Puppet Pals" YouTube Videos Wouldn't Exist

Harry Potter Puppet Pals — Bothering Snape

16. Each Of His Roles Taught Us Something Different, But His Role As Severus Snape (From The Harry Potter Franchise) Relayed One Of The Most Powerful Messages In Cinema History.

17. He Still Has Two Performances That Will Both Be Released In 2016

Lieutenant General Frank Benson — "Eye In The Sky" (April 8th, 2016)

Absolem The Caterpillar — "Alice Through The Looking Glass" (May 27, 2016)

18. He Has Achieved Immortality Through His Many Roles As An Actor

Alan Rickman starred in over 60 roles. He was a man of many talents. In addition to being on many American (and British) films and television shows, he also starred in Broadway plays and in theatrical productions in the U.K..

Rest In Peace

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