Actors with binge worthy filmographies | The Odyssey Online
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12 Actors With Binge-Worthy Filmographies

It's not simple to locate a nearly flawless filmography, but these actors are the diamonds in the rough.

12 Actors With Binge-Worthy Filmographies
Photo By Jada Henry

Binge watching is a modern verb that nearly every household does. It's easy to find shows worthy of binging, but have you ever found an impeccable actor or actress whose performances are so eye-catching that you have to watch all their films? For me, this is something that's just as entertaining as watching the films themselves, so here I share with you a list of actors whose filmographies are pristine.

1. Brad Pitt

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Hollywood's biggest heartthrob knows how to choose a script. Although his debut film was more than lackluster his films following only increased in impressiveness. From the storytelling and greatly executed performance he brings to the silver screen, it's impossible not to check out his star-studded filmography at least once. From Fight Club, Inglourious Basterds, Seven, Meet Joe Black, Fury, Ocean's Eleven, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Thelma & Louise and more you are able to witness the range he has as an actor and why he's viewed as one of the best of his time.

2. Lupita Nyong'o

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Nyong'o's acting debut began in the Oscar Winning 12 Years A Slave, in which she won best supporting actress at the Academy Awards. It was well deserved and started off as a jumping point to even more impressive film roles. Gracing the screen in the Star Wars franchise, Marvel's Black Panther, The Jungle Book, and Queen of Kuwait proves that almost anything Nyong'o is in is destined for greatness.

3. Leonardo Dicaprio

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One of the worlds best and favorite actors had to grace this list of course. Dicaprio started out in Critters 3 but proved that this wasn't the extent to his acting abilities. Starring alongside heavyweights like Robert De Niro in A Boys Life, he proved that he was capable of taking on more mature roles. Throughout his career, he graced the silver screen with blockbuster films like What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, The Beach, Catch Me If You Can, Inception, The Wolf Of Wall Street, and the Oscar Winning Revenant. On top of all of these notable films, he still has a plenty of "lesser known" films that are just as golden.

4. Kang Haneul

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This South Korean Actor started out as a theater actor then transitioned to film. With movies like Twenty, Midnight Runners, New Trial, and Forgotten his variety skills as an actor are displayed impressively. On top of an impressive resume of shows, these films allowed him to catapult to a Blue Dragon Award Winner. If you'd like an actor with range, Haneul has the filmography for you.

5. Anne Hathaway

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After making her film debut in The Princess Diaries alongside Julie Andrews, Hathaway's film credits only escalated from there. She became a Hollywood heavyweight with films like Brokeback Mountain, The Devil Wears Prada, Les Misérables, and Ocean's 8. Her filmography most definitely worth spending a day or two watching.

6. Jim Carrey

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Known as the funny man of Hollywood by most, Carrey possesses much more than just comedic chops as an actor. From the Ace Ventura and Dumb and Dumber franchises to The Truman Show, Bruce Almighty and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Carrey has proved that he can tackle different genres of film with grace and skill.

7. Robin Williams

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Before there was Jim Carrey there was Robin Williams. Williams' comedic timing allowed him to start out as a mainly comedic actor in cult classics like Mrs. Doubtfire, Hook, Aladdin, and shows like Mork & Mindy. Films like Good Morning, Vietnam, The Birdcage, Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, and Jumanji ushered in a new side to the actor that allowed audiences to witness the latter to the comedic genius.

8. Robert De Niro

De Niro is an actor with a career many aspire to have and rightfully so. Many of his films are cult classics. When you mention films like Taxi Driver, The Godfather Part II, Goodfellas, The Deer Hunter and Meet The Fockers you don't need to have necessarily seen them, but it'd be a bit odd to have never heard of them. Whether the character calls for it, De Niro brings a force to the screen in each performance that many actors fail to emulate.

9. Tom Hanks

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Hanks has more than made his mark in Hollywood, but it doesn't seem like he's going anywhere anytime soon and I'm completely fine with that. For decades he's continuously presented viewers with quality performances in films like Forrest Gump, Big, The Green Mile, Cast Away, Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story, and Sully. His filmography crosses amongst a range of genres and is rich in entertainment.

10. Denzel Washington

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Washington is quite dedicated to his craft and it's not only shown in his performance, but in his filmography. The Equalizer frontman, John Q, Troy Maxson of Fences, Coach Herman and more his characters translate just how powerful his aura is when taken to each films role. With Washington's vast filmography your choice of films to watch is plentiful.

11. Tom Holland

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Holland doesn't lack talent by any means which is reflected in his short, but eye-catching filmography. As an Avenger he has built a fan base like no other, but many of his other films like The Impossible, The Lost City of Z, How I Live Now and In the Heart of the Sea match up with the standards set with his break out role as Spiderman. As a fan, I am excited to see what his career and filmography holds for the future.

12. Dev Patel

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The Skins alumn made his transition to the silver screen with films like Slumdog Millionaire, The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, and Chappie. These films catapulted him to stardom and also earned him many awards for Oscar Nominated Film Lion (but hey, what's a better award than being on this list). Patel's performances never lack throughout his filmography by any means.

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