Accessorizing The Right Way
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Accessorizing The Right Way

Helpful fashion guidelines for women.

Accessorizing The Right Way

Accessorizing is a wonderful way to take an outfit from one level to another. Oftentimes I find a lot of women struggling to decide exactly how to utilize these essential tools to take themselves from a basic T-shirt to a statement, which is too common. Judging by that inner nudge to do something about it, I decided to, something about it! As a future fashion stylist I want you to know just how much I LOVE accessories and can't wait to give you some personal tips I find crucial! Seriously. If you know how to use accessories, it'll change that first impression real quick. Take a look at some of these rules I've compiled, which I am confident will help you in your fashion journey!

1. Quality is B.A.E.

I don't care what anyone says about this one because I know it's 100 percent true. Why is it? It's actually simple. When you buy quality jewelry, not only are you making a worthwhile investment that will last you quite a long time, you are also saving a ton. I don't know about you, but I'd rather buy quality for years than cheap for a day. Though prices can be a bit much, personally I think also shopping smart is a key pointer to remember. Don't just go into a store buying every single expensive item thinking it's all quality. Be wary of "fakery" and being pushed to buy something because it's the "new hot thing everyone supposedly is buying". Ya gotta do what's right for YOU missy! Be financially frugal and go shopping for the good stuff every now and then on a budget. After a while you will begin to see the piles of amazing jewelry you own becoming more and more variety-wise of course!

2. More with less is key.

I think it's a beautiful thing to hear women say, "Oh, I LOVE A TON of bling bling jewelry" or "A little is all I need". Both statements I embrace completely, but the last one personally sticks for me! I'm definitely #Teamlittleisalwaysmore! There is nothing wrong with piling on jewelry (you can do this...IF you do it strategically. That's the only way it'll work). Just keep an eye out for overdoing things. When you put on jewelry you need to make sure that few things happen. 1.) You need to make sure that your jewelry goes with what you're wearing. *No, no I do not mean matching literally (you can, but that'll be boring). I mean watch out for complimenting colors. That's the catch ladies. 2.) Make sure that you love the jewelry you're wearing. *If you're not wearing something that makes you feel amazing that's a problem! Jewelry is a statement on its own and needs to present a great statement. Pick the right one ladies!

3. You and colors should be BFFs.

Do not be afraid of colors. Colors are vibrant and are one of the key components to bringing out your personality and even culture at times. I personally love colors with everything I wear because well...that's just me! Now, not every woman likes color and that is OK! You just need to make sure that when you rock colors you do it the right way. I'll give you an example: If for some reason you are wearing a black top, black bottoms, black everything ladies, please please PLEASE wear a statement piece necklace or carry a nice purse that POPS. Believe it or not, purses, clutches, etc. are all accessories, so don't be fooled! Honestly, accessories can bring an outfit from -5 to 200 real quick! You can quote me on that one.

4. Jewelry isn't the only accessory!

For some reason a lot of women seem to get caught up with the idea that accessorizing only pertains to jewelry...uhm that is completely false! Whoever told you that is 100 percent wrong. Ladies, accessories can mean a lot of things: Hand bags, hats in their wide array of different forms, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings, etc. Don't be fooled into thinking you can't rock that amazing maxi dress with a statement hat because you can! There is so so much you can do with accessories it'll be too much to list. I just need you to remember accessorizing is an art that every woman needs to at least explore and eventually master. If done right you will not only feel great, but you will look absolutely amazing!

5. A dramatic look with makeup means less accessorizing.

If there is one more tip I have worth discussing, it's this one. Do not pile on makeup and assume you can do the same with jewelry. You can't do that. You have to pick one or the other. If you choose to pile on makeup, put a little jewelry if need be and vise versa. Doing both will not look cute ladies. Not only will it look like you actually tried, the value of what you're wearing will not be as impactful. You need to dress in a way people will remember. I'm not saying stress out about each and every outfit (puh-lease! Tell me who's got time for that cause I don't know anyone who would). I'm saying be mindful of what you're wearing because first impressions are everything. Anyone can tell you that. You need to look and feel the part the right way! If executed right, you've mastered how to accessorize.

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