25 thoughts while watching Abducted in Plain Sight
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25 Thoughts I Had Watching 'Abducted in Plain Sight'

Netflix's hit sure is different...

25 Thoughts I Had Watching 'Abducted in Plain Sight'

Netflix's hit sure is different...

"I found the little girl I was searching for" Um...I'm sorry. She's like still in daycare and you graduate college by now. (Not literally but that age gap?)

Peeking nieghbor


This is coming from an All-American family...Guess not huh?

Animal Kingdom


B always wanted to be around the children...I'm sorry again but if my neighbor is constantly coming over and always wants to play with my children. How is that not strange to you? Especially when he favors Jan more so


"I love you more than words can tell...We kissed" She's 12 for God's sake!

Barack Obama


They didn't call the FBI until two days later since she's been missing? She and B are both missing and you don't think that doesn't sound right?

Blinking meme


Wait, the Mom didn't believe she was kidnapped?!?!

Donald Trump meme


His brother said "I knew he was a pedophile" Um...He did just kidnap a twelve year old so why are you not helping?

Soccer player


"My brother starting messing with my sister. They were half brother and sister" Wait, did you really end the sentence there? I don't care what they were, they are still related. WTF!

John Cena


Hold up, he tried getting two girls before Jan until the parents chased him off

Wait meme


Jan was sleeping over and he took her panties off...God, why didn't you say something?

Amy Poehler


She saw that old peev naked?! Why?!


Now he is hitting on the wife. Lord Jesus, she had an affair with this guy after he took her daughter? Okay let me pull out my bible for a second. "Thou shall not covet"

The Real Housewives of OC


"I cannot stand my wife and I just need to have sex" Congratulations but why are you telling your neighbor that? "Can you give me some relief, it's just kid stuff" Wait, Jan's Dad gave B a...Ew...

Scary Movie


First of all that is not kid stuff, these are two grown men and one wants you to cross a boundary and what do you know, the Dad did. Second, go find a girl for that. Third, let me scan that bible again. "Thou shall not commit adultry"


The church spoke to B about going after young girls and told him he needed therapy but wait, there's more...

Fresh Prince of Bel Air


Part of this therapy is lying next to Jan, a twelve year old girl. That's just enabling his actions and why did the parents let him do that? I don't know if I can take much more of this

Neil Patrick Harris on Ellen


He gave Jan sleeping pills instead of vitamins (Which I don't know why he is giving her medicine instead of her parents), molested her and the parents saw no red flags?

Girl confused


He convinced her that aliens existed and that they were coming down to earth. I think honestly at 12 years old I knew aliens were not real but I guess Jan didn't...

Alien Meme


B told her she must have a baby by 16 because she's half alien, dear God please tell me he isn't about to...Yep, I should have known

Jack Black


B's wife is now black mailing the family by the affair...These people don't play around

Thinking Meme


OMG, the Mom is having an affair again with B? This guy kidnapped her, you know what? Apparently that doesn't matter

Robert Downey Jr


Jan wanted to work at the kid amusement park that B owned because she was in love with him. At least the Dad didn't want to send her but the Mom flew her out anyway. Sigh

Kristen Ritter


When Jan called home to tell her family she was okay and the sister picked up, sorry, I'm having a quick cry session



How in the bloody hell did he enroll her in a private school and say he was the FBI? He isn't Jack Bauer right?!

24 Jack Bauer


He spent a year in jail for raping a young girl before and did no jail time for anything with Jan. You know what, I'm out.

Animal Kingdom


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