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Summer Break

9 Things I Definitely Will And Won't Do This Summer

I don't have a summer off, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun.

Pensacola Bridge, FL
Carla Viera

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Unfortunately, I am enrolled in multiple classes this summer, but I've decided to plan out my summer so I get the best I can out of the hot summer season. So here are a few things I plan on doing or not doing, depending on how bad or how necessary they are.

1. Will - Sleep

Me tucking myself in after not doing a damn thing all day.


I had and have so many morning classes that I haven't had a real chance of resting all semester. Apparently, I haven't learned my lesson because I have a plethora of morning classes and clearly not enough time to actually rest. But in the days leading to the first day of the semester, I will sleep in and not give a you-know-what. I'll enjoy it, all 6 days I'll have off.

2. Won't - Procrastinate

Not meeeeee.


As I've mentioned in one of my recent articles, I have really turned myself around with my academic life. I have struggled to get back from being a 0.8 GPA student to where I am now, nearly reaching 2.5. I've gotten where I am by not slacking on my classwork and really investing myself in my classes. I will soon be taking Stats in the summer (kill me) and I know I can't procrastinate. Wish me luck!

3. Will - Celebrate my Birthday

Just one night to celebrate! It would be...It would be SO nice!


I have been waiting all year for my birthday to come back around and I'm more than ready to enjoy my 22nd on June 22nd. Most of my past birthdays were pool parties. I used to spend 80% of my summer going to my pool and having my skin turn from caramel to cinnamon. This year, I hope to have a big party with all of my favorite people. And as soon as that weekend's over, I'll go right back to studying like nobody's business.

4. Won't - Cry

Literally me when anything good or bad happens to me.


I can be an overly-emotional person. I tend to cry at the littlest of things, not just sad things, but happy ones too. I'm trying to control my emotions and express them in a healthy and positive way. So for my mid-year resolution, I've decided to try and stop crying. Okay, okay, just cry less.

5. Will - Work

Me trying to keep my cool while being ambushed by customers.


I'll be starting a new job soon and I'm very excited to say that this job is going to really make me feel good. It's new and fresh and I believe that everyone deserves a fresh start after working non-stop in an underappreciated position. I will be working my butt off this summer, but I will also keep my classwork in mind. I don't know if I can go through with this "no crying" thing.

6. Won't - Work Out



I know you're probably thinking you read that wrong, but you didn't. I really doubt I'll want to spend an hour a day working out and exercising, I'm already wheezing just thinking about it. I'm honestly not trying to say I wouldn't work out if I had the chance... but I totally am. I'm not the exercise type, but I respect those who really like to willingly work out. I don't know how you do it, but keep going! I'll watch from the sidelines.

7. Will - Go to the Beach

Me the second I reach the sand.


I live in Naples and I have access to a private beach through my residence. I rarely go to the beach, but as I said, I want to try new things out. I'd like to go to the beach with my husband at least twice a month over the course of the summer and if I choose to, I think I'll start to go more often. I need to have a drink though if I'm willing to be outside, let alone in the sun.

8. Won't - Stop Re-Watching Mad Men

How I feel when I watch an entire season in a day.


I love this show and I know it's mostly dialogue, but it's an amazing journey of a show. So much can change in a very short amount of time. Imagine your life ten years ago, and then imagine your life ten years from now. Things are not only going to be different, you will also be different. This is why this show is one of a kind; it really brings things into perspective.

9. Will - Take a Trip

Me after I packed everything the morning of and I made you wait for 30 minutes in the car because I couldn't find my iPhone charger.


I'm hoping that by the time summer ends I'll be able to say that I took a fun trip. Wherever I end up going, I just hope I can look back and say that it felt good to let go and be consumed in complete joy. Whether it be a road trip with my husband or an impromptu trip with my girls, I know it's gonna be a perfect end to a long and hard-worked summer.

However you choose to spend your summer, I hope you have fun and stay safe. I'm excited about the things I have in store for me. What do you have in store for you?

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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