I seem to have an obsession with animated shows, whether they're meant for children or for adults. "Bob's Burgers" is everything I want out of a show. But why would I sit here and explain how great it is with words alone? That's what GIFs are for.
1. Sincere life lessons.
What good show doesn't have a life lesson thrown in during each episode?
2. Puns.
Puns are probably my favorite type of joke and "Bob's Burgers" is absolutely full of them. My favorite part of watching a new episode is seeing what the burger of the day is named.
3. We all relate to Tina.
She's sassy, awkward, and has an obsession with butts. She probably has the best one-liners in the show.
4. Uhhhhhhh...
I will admit that I often make strange noises, very similarly to Tina's "Uhhhhhhhhh". My sister and I made it into a verb for when that happens in real life, Tina-ing/Tina'd. It's a very regular occurrence so a verb was necessary.
5. We wish our mom's were just like Linda.
6. Musical numbers.
The musical numbers in this show are absolutely phenomenal and I get them stuck in my head all the time.
7. Fantasy sequences.
They're just like dream sequences, but way better.
8. More puns.
No further explanation is needed.
9. The end scenes.
They always involve what happens in the specific episode, and there is usually singing happening.
Now, get on Netflix and watch seasons 1-5. All at once if that's your thing, which it probably is. I've seen those seasons about three times, I have no shame.