9 Reasons Why Shameless Is The Best
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9 Reasons Why Shameless Is The Best

No spoilers, though.

9 Reasons Why Shameless Is The Best

I'm sure you've seen lots of tweets and posts lately about the hit Showtime TV series, Shameless. It's a U.S. adaptation of the UK version, set in Chicago, Illinois, and ranks near the top of great shows to binge watch, along with Grey's Anatomy, Walking Dead, Scrubs, and Gossip Girl. Check out these reasons as to why Shameless is the best:

1. It's real

Well, some of the situations the Gallagher kids find themselves in aren't very realistic, but their emotions and their connection as a family are. Their characters are very real. Even with some of the craziness that happens, you can find a relatable moment in the way the kids handle it.

2. It's funny

In between the felonies, car-stealing-Jimmy-Steve-Jack, pregnancy tests, school suspensions, drug busts, lesbian neighborhood developers, Monica, etc... there are a lot of laugh-out-loud moments. Like Frank, for example- Frank is a mess, but provides some often well-timed comic relief. The lighthearted moments make the intense parts worth it.

3. Frank

Speaking of Frank, he is one of the great parts of the show. Now, none of us would want him for a father, but all the new ways he finds to screw up keep us entertained. He's definitely the comedic relief most of the time. He seems to get a little better in the later seasons and when he is sober, but in true Frank fashion, that could change with a blink of an eye.

4. Fiona

Let's be real, Fiona Gallagher is #goals. Not only is she picture perfect, but she's also very resourceful and does a pretty good job as a mother figure with the kids, despite a few missteps and accidents (club night... Liam and a felony... Jimmy/Steve...). Regardless, she's the big sister we all wish we had.

5. Lip

Phillip Gallagher... we all love the crafty, smart, wise-cracking, messy oldest brother. He's the Gallagher most likely to make something of himself beyond the South Side of Chicago, the first kid to go to college, and he does a great job with his siblings. Those big blue eyes and messy hair plus his sense of style will stop anyone on the street. He's a little bit awkward, but his character has captured the heart of every Shameless fan.

6. The characters we love to hate

Monica, Sammi, Holly, Steve/Jimmy... and, let's be honest, we all sort of hated Kev and V during that rough patch in season 5. But these people... they make us so angry. They do dumb things, say dumb things, and act irrationally. Every time their faces come up, you want to bash your computer screen in. Fiona going off on Monica was one of the best episodes. You tell her.

7. The theme song

The show always opens with a sassy "here's what you missed" clip and the great theme sequence. The song is just so catchy. It's called The Luck You Got by The High Strung, and you can listen to it here. That bass line, though.

8. It's easy to binge watch

The episodes are long, but you can easily get through a few at a time because it's so entertaining. It's a good way to kill an hour here and there. The storylines keep us coming back for more.

9. It makes you want to go to Chicago

Watching the show makes you want to hop in the car and go find their houses, but then you realize the shots for the outside of the Gallagher and Ball homes are actually on Chicago's South Side. You probably shouldn't go wandering around with no idea where you are going if you aren't from the area. Maybe stick to the city of Chitown. You still want to be a Gallagher kid, though.

Shameless is one of the most popular shows around right now, so if you haven't watched it yet, get on that binge session. You'll love it.

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